.:: Chapter 6 : Friends Dont Lie. ::.

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.:: Key ::.

(Y/n) = Your Name

.:: Your POV ::.

You kept following them. They turned a corner and they all stopped in their tracks. You looked and froze, holding back screams.

There, standing in front of the four, were Cruella De Vil, Maleficent, the Evil Queen, and Jafar. You hid behind the pillar but you still heard everything.

"Mommy...?" Evie said quietly.
"Dad..." Jay muttered.
"I-I'll never forget Mother's Day again," Carlos frowned.
Mal stayed quiet, and you completely understood why.

"Well, wand's not here, so let's go...!" Jay ran off, and Carlos followed him.

"C'mon, Mal," Evie said. She ran off to follow the boys.
"I'll be right with you guys, just... give me a minute," Mal said softly.

You turned around from the pillar and noticed a room entitled "Hall of Heroes." You shrugged and decided to take a look. You walked inside and gasped.

There were statues of your parents, Aurora, Snow White, and Aladdin and Jasmine there. All the people that defeated the greatest villains of all time... all in one room.

You sighed and walked up to the statue of your parents.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I think I'm falling for Carlos and I'll ruin the family name. I never meant to fail you, I'm so so sorry!" you fell to the ground and felt cry, keeping as quiet as possible since you weren't supposed to be here.

You just stayed there, thinking about what'll happen about you and Carlos, when suddenly...


You looked up quickly and noticed that the alarm went off. The guard must've woken up!You stumbled to get onto your feet and you heard footsteps. You dashed behind a pillar and waited for them to subdue.

"Nice going, Jay! Now we have to go to school again tomorrow!" Mal groaned.

"How was i supposed to know that they'd have extra security around the wand? It's like they knew we were going to steal it!" Jay yelled.

You gasped, and your heart snapped.
Carlos was still a villain.
He lied to you.
Soon the alarm stopped, and you ran of the room.

Just as you did,
You fell on your bum and groaned.

"Watch it!" you screamed.
You looked up and saw Carlos.

You glared.
"You! You lied to me! You said you didn't like stealing! And what were you going to do? Steal Fairy Godmother's wand! Carlos, you can't just do that!" you yelled.

"Keep it down, or we'll get caught!"
"I don't care! If we get caught then at least you'd get what you deserve!" you spat.

"What do you even mean, (Y/n)?"
"You know what I meant, De Vil. You are a criminal. You are a thief, and a future dog murderer!"
"I am not!"
"Yes you are! If not now then you definitely will be soon!"

"You don't even know me!" Carlos snapped in reply.
"Well, I thought I started to get an idea of who you were. I guess I was wrong," you replied. "Friends don't lie, Carlos."

Your face grew red with anger, "I'm telling Fairy Godmother."
"DONT!" he panicked.
"Try and stop me!" you folded your arms and glared at him.

"Is there something I can do to make you kewl your mouth shut about it?"
"Maybe," you muttered.

He took in a breath and wrapped his arms around your waist. You looked up at him confusedly. His right hand held the back of your neck and he pulled you closer to him, and kissed you hard and quickly.
Your breath hitched and you kissed him back.
This was my first kiss.

He pulled away all too soon for your liking, "That wasn't exactly what I was expecting," you mumble.
"Yeah, well, don't tell anyone." He pointed a finger warningly at you and then ran off, leaving you dazed at what just happened.

"Hello?" a security guard asked, his voice distant but close. You gasped and ran out the door as fast as possible.

You ran back to your dorm, panting when you got in the door.

B/f/n was at the door waiting for you.

"Where were you? You've been gone for almost two hours, you could've gotten caught!" she whisper shouted.
You smirked, "You're telling me."

She grinned, "What did you find out~?" she asked.
You pointed your lips and made a kissy face. "I'm sworn to secrecy."

You got your pajamas on and flopped onto the bed.
She raises a brow, "What does that mean?"

You grinned."All I'm saying, is that I had my first kiss and it amazing."

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