.:: Chapter 14 : The Truth is Out ::.

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.:: Your POV ::.

The next few days were hellish for you. You thought Carlos and you were the perfect couple, and literally everyone thought so as well. You couldn't figure out why Carlos suddenly hated you all the sudden, either. Anytime you passed by him in the halls he just acted downright rude to you, poking fun at you and such.

At lunch you felt like everyone was judging you, so instead of eating you groaned and got up, throwing your food away. As you passed Jane, Audrey, and Lonnie you heard Audrey talking.
"I can't believe you'd actually do that, Jane. It was so evil of you... I'm proud."
You raised a brow but decided to ignore it.

Later that day while you were walking to Evie and Mal's room, you overheard the trio chatting in the library. Curious, you stopped to listen. Normally you were against eavesdropping, but maybe they had a reason to why Carlos was being mean to you.

.:: Jane's POV ::.

I sat inside the library talking with Audrey and Lonnie.

"Jane.. I still am shocked that you actually were able to break them up!" Audrey gushed. I blushed a little and smiled, "Yep! Now, make me pretty like you told me!"

"Oh, yeah. About that, Janie..." she stood up and walked over to me.
"I did promise you popularity and to be pretty, am I right?"
I nodded.

"Well, you're going to be pretty popular when word gets out that you, the nicest and shyest girl in school, broke up the school's current most popular couple to date!" she smirked.
"Wait! What?!" I said, shocked.

"Jane, you're so daft! This was all a set up! I knew you'd be able to convince Carlos of anything because he trusts you. He wouldn't ever expect you to be rude like you were, it was perfect. Now all I have to do is let word get out and tell everyone that I graciously tried to stop you from doing such a villainous deed, but you wouldn't hear it... and did it anyway." she laughed and Lonnie chuckled a little.
"You're such a stupid girl, Jane. Such a pushover. You wanted popularity? There's your popularity. As for you wanting to be pretty, might wanna look into plastic surgery for that, sweetheart," Audrey smirked.

I started to cry.
"Audrey! You... you..."
"Me what?"
I sighed, biting my tongue.
"That's what I thought."

.:: Your POV ::.

You couldn't believe what you were hearing.
Jane and Audrey did this?! That would explain the breakup, but not why he was acting so rude lately.

"Y/n/n? What are you doing?"

You jumped and turned around. You sighed when you noticed that it was only Mal.

"Oh, its you Mal. Can I ask you a favor?"
"Sure, what's up kid?" she leaned against the wall.

"Can you do something to Audrey or Jane? Or better, both? They're the reason that Carlos and I broke up. Jane tricked him."
"What? When?"

"I don't have time to explain, just do it! I'll explain after with Evie!"
"Okay, fine." she sighed. "Where are they?"
"In the library, hurry! I think Audrey is leaving soon."

"Okay." she clears her throat and smirks.
"Beware, foresware; undo Audrey's hair."

You heard a scream and a lot of laughing.
"Beware, foresware; turn the new hair into something out there."
Then you hear a gut retching scream.

You stifled a laugh and Mal grabbed onto your wrist, "Let's book it!"
You and Mal raced to her dorm room, laughing.

Once you get there, she opened the door quickly, the two of you panting and giggling like crazy.

"Okay, now that that's over, what in the name of evil happened to you and Carlos?" Mal asked, sitting down on her bed.

Evie popped out from behind her desk from where she was sewing. "Wait, what? What happened?"
"You didn't hear? Carlos and I broke up," you frowned.
"WHAT?" she screamed.

"God, Evie, keep it down! I've heard enough screaming to last me a year," Mal rolled her eyes and plugged her ears for a moment.

"Spill the deets! I cant believe this happened!" Evie cried.
You explained the entire story.

"That's so sadsies!" she frowned.
"Yeah, sadsies!"

"E, quit it with the Auradon talk," Mal said, groaning at her best friend's stupidity.
"Sorry, Mal. I'm getting used to it... but seriously, I'm so sorry."

"I came to ask if you maybe know why Carlos could be acting so rude to me now?" you asked.
"Well, there's only one way to find out..."
"What?" you ask.
"We go back in time," Mal smirked.
"We can't do that," you answered.

"Can you maybe Jay talk to Carlos or something? I don't even want to look at him right now," you sighed, flopping onto Evie's bed.

"I can," Mal offered.
"Really?" you smiled, turning your head to look at her laying on her bed on her stomach.
"Thought so," you chuckled.

"I will then," Evie grinned.
"You're not joking are you, E?"
"Nope!" she grinned.

"I'll get to the bottom of this, I promise!"
"Thank you so much Evie!" you got up and hugged her. "No problem!"
"And thank you for helping me with Jane and Audrey," you ran over and hugged her as well.
"It was no big deal. I've wanted to do that for so long," she chuckled.

"I'm going to take Spot out for a walk," you smiled. "Bye girls!"
"Bye!" they chorused.
You walked out and went to go get Spot.

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