.:: Chapter 11 : The First Date ::.

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Also the cover is what he's wearing to the date ::.

.:: Your POV ::.

Soon the match ended. Auradon Prep had won the game! Everyone started cheering and so did you.

After everything died down a bit, you ran down the bleacher steps to see Carlos. His eyes lit up when he saw you.

You hugged him, grinning, "You did amazing out there!"
"Thanks! Thank you for that good luck kiss, it really helped," Carlos grinned.
"Of course!" you smiled, "Ready for our date?"

He nodded, "Yeah, let me just get out of my tourney outfit real quick. Be right back," he ran off to the bathroom to get changed while you waited outside.

A few minutes later he came back out.
"Okay, you ready?"
You nodded.
"Okay, good. You look so beautiful," he kisses the tip of your nose and you giggled.

.:: A little while later ::.

"Carlos! Where are we going??" you laughed. You two were running through the forest, holding hands. He was dragging you forward.
"Just keep following me!"
"Are you lost?"
"No!" he laughed.

After another minute of running you find a clearing with a beautiful lake surrounded by tall trees with streams of light seeping through the leaves above you.
"Carlos..." you gasped, looking around.
"This.. this place is beautiful!"
"Yeah, but not as beautiful as you," he winked at you, laughing.
You blushed, "That was cheesy."
"That's just who I am," he laughed.

By the lake was a blanket with your favorite types of food. You grinned, "You didn't have to do this, Carlos."
He chuckled a little, "I wanted our first date to be memorable. Did I succeed?" He sat down cross-legged on the blanket and made room for you.

You nodded and sat down, grinning, "Definitely the best date so far!"

After eating, you stuck your feet in the lake, just learning more about each other.
Carlos reached for your hand.

"I brought you out here because when I'm around other people, and you're there, too, I just freak out. I'm so scared that you'll deny me in front of everyone, so I brought you out here so that I could do this fearlessly..." he leans in and kissed. You wrapped your arms around his neck, smiling into the kiss. He rest his hands on your waist.

After a moment you both part, him looking deeply into your eyes and you starring straight back in his.

You blinked and laughed.
"Ladies first," he smiled.

"Right. Carlos? Would you maybe want to be my boyfriend?" you bit the bottom of your lip nervously.
He pouted, "Hey! I was gonna ask you that!" you both started laughing.
"And in answer to your question, yes, I will happily be your boyfriend." he pecked your lips and you grinned.
"Good. You scared me for a minute."

After awhile you headed home hand in hand with your new boyfriend.

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