.:: Chapter 13 : Once a Villain, Always a Villain ::.

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.:: Your POV, the next day ::.

"(Y/n)!" You hear a voice call for you. You turned around and smiled, "Hi Carlos!"
"Hey, can I talk to you? ..in private?" He asked, putting his hands in his jacket's pockets.
"Uh, sure."

You followed him to the library where he sat down on the bench. You sat down next to him.
"What's up?"

He sighed, "Have you.. have you thought about.. us.. recently? And our families?" he asked. You nodded, smiling.

"Well, yeah. I already told my parents that they'll be meeting you next week on Parent Day."
"Oh," he frowned. "Uhm. About that.."

Your heart dropped.

"I.. I don't think.." he sighed, fiddling with his hands, "I don't think we should be dating anymore.
"W-what?!" you gasped. "Carlos!"
"I know, I know, but I don't think we should.."

"Is this a joke?! Carlos, we haven't even been dating for a month yet! You could've told me this the day after we made it official, why now?"

"I mean, I was talking with some AK's and they were right. I'm a villain, and you're the daughter of my mother's greatest enemy. It'll never work. We shouldn't have even tried," he sighed.

Tears pricked at your eyes, "Carlos.. I don't care about who you're the son of. I told my parents on the phone and they weren't mad. They're just a little-"
"Cautious? Nervous?"
"I was going to say wary, but, yeah. They just want to make sure I'm making the right decision."

"Well, sorry to disappoint but we're not together anymore. I'm sorry." A few tears fall from your eyes, "Carlos, please! Can't we talk about this??"
"No! Now get out of my face you ugly rat!" he spat. "W-what..?"

He got up and frowned down at you, "I don't want to see you, or talk to you, or be around you ever again."
"You know what?!" you stand up with your fists clenched, "I will never forgive you for that! You're absolutely despicable, and a coward! You're just like the other VKs!"

"Good! I wouldn't want to be around you anyway! You're a Radcliffe!" He groaned, "I swear if I didn't like Dude, I WOULD hurt Spot and every single one of your 101-"

"1,001," you rolled your eyes.
"They all had kids," you frowned.

"Okay, fine! I'd hurt every one of your ugly dogs!"
"You're an absolute jerk!" You yelled as he started to walk out.

He slammed the library door shut and you began to cry.
What happened to him?!

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