Chapter 1 - Interview

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Authors Note: Hey guys! My first fic EVER, bare with me please. My updates may be slow but I'm hoping to make long chapters :) Please note this is FICTION, NOT REAL. Here goes nothing...


Chapter 1

Niall stood outside the mall, shaking. He adjusted his backpack higher on his shoulder and dried his sweaty hands.

"Today is the day," he thought to himself. 

He needed a part time job, and thought that the mall would be the best place to try and find one.  He had a backpack perfectly organized, including multiple resumes.  He was sure to wear the clothing that would make him look the most serious or dedicated.  He had just moved to London from Mullingar, he had gotten into one of the best universities in the UK, at least for the program he wanted.  Niall loved music, from classical to hardcore rock.  To him, its an art, a challenge, and a vent.  Luckily for him, Niall was born with a talent for music in general.  He loved to sing, and his voice, oh his voice, could make you melt like a snowflake on your bare skin.  He could so easily pick up a guitar and sing a song in such a soft voice, that carried across the room, with such a passion, that even when he stops, the emotion would almost, linger in a way, along with the beautiful ring of the final note.  He was starting at the University of London's vocal and instrumental program at the end of the summer.  He needed this job to help him pay for everything.  

Taking one more deep breath, he walked through the mall entrance.  Immediately he headed toward the map of the building. He had prepared a list of the stores that seemed at least reasonable to work at, though he could not afford to be too picky.  

He started at his favorite choice. 

'Mindwarp' a games store, all different types of games, from electronic games to old fashioned board games.  He enjoyed playing games, and it would be a part of his job to learn games and recommend them to others  

Upon entering the store, his mood dropped.  He looked around and saw that there was obviously no form of organization in the store, and that little children were running around screaming loud enough that Niall truly believed his ears would bleed.  Out of no where, and for no reason known to him, a seemingly innocent child skipped up to him.  He, trying to be nice, plastered on a grin and waved his hand to greet the little girl.  

"PEDO!!!" the girl screamed, following with an unusually strong kick to his knee.  The child then ran out of the sight of Niall.

"Holy sh-" Niall began, only to be interrupted by a very loud clearing of the throat behind him. He spun around, to see a tall blonde young woman with a stern expression on her face. She was wearing the store's uniform, this made Niall nervous for two reasons:

1: He needs to make a good impression

2: Now she thinks he's a pedophile

The silence was soon broken by Niall

"Uh, hello there.  My name is Niall Horan."

"Lorna, as you probably could've read.  May I ask why you are here, and why that child claims you are a pedophile?"

"haha, yeah, about that.  I have no idea why she did that, but I'm here to apply for a job?" Niall attempted to state, and failed.

"Sounds like a horrible excuse, you're not even sure of it yourself. So, Niall, I'm politely requesting you leave this store before I call the police men," Lorna replied monotonously. As if things like this happen regularly.

"No honestly this is just a misun-"

"Must I call them?" Lorna interrupted

"no, have a nice day..."

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