Chapter 18- Negotiating With a Terrorist

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"Next week, we will have visitors from the German Federation." Eady said the next morning at breakfast. "I don't think this applies to most of you, but please be on your best behavior." She turned to her left and gave a pointed look to Osten who didn't give her a wink of attention and continued eating his blueberry pancakes, oblivious to the world around him.

Several chuckles are let out and I Glance to the end of the table to see Josie with a mischievous murmur in her eyes, making faces at my little brother. She and I both agreed after our little kiss last night that we would find a way to get payback on Osten. Though last time we tried that, things didn't turn out so well. I smile to myself remembering past memories.

"We will be renegotiating a trade deal with the Federation, and by that, I mean our Interim Prime Minister, Lady Brice. I know she will make the best decisions. I will, however, warn you that the press will be there. I would like to ask that you not release anything on the matter with Sir Marid, as he and his family are being dealt with. Thank you." She sits down, and Eikko whispers something I can't make out into her ear. She nods sullenly and only picks at the rest of her meal.

After breakfast, I was walking down the halls with Osten, trying to negotiate. It was about as simple as negotiating with a terrorist. "I'M GONNA TELL MOMMA! I'M GONNA TELL MOMMA!" He kept yelling this at the top of his lungs, even causing the eerily still gaurds to turn and give me strange looks.

After his third round of his not-so-creative chant, I finally cut him off. "Osten, please. That's enough." I had to repeat myself three times before he finally stopped. I ran my hand through my hair wearily.

I don't see how Mom and Dad deal with this child. I think.

"What will it take to keep you quiet?" I ask.

He taps his chin and juts his hip out to the side displaying a melodramatic way of thinking.

Knowing Osten, what he has in mind is extreme. The impish grin and the mischievous look all across his face serves as a dead giveaway.

He then fixes his posture and puffs his chest out. "In order for your secret to remain safe with me, you, Kaden Schreave, will go up to the queen of the German Federation and do the Chicken Dance."

I immediately groan at his demand and he bursts out laughing. At just that moment, Miss Marlee walks around the corner. I immediately freeze up and take a few steps backwards, embarassed. I just kissed this woman's daughter, and she doesn't even know about it! Unless, Josie. I make a mental note to talk to Josie about "keeping things confidential" for the time.

Osten too freezes up and looks to me and then to Miss Marlee a few times, and then bursts out in laughter. Miss Marlee's bubbly persona doesn't let her not laugh, and I immediately feel myself turn more and more embarrassed.

Their laughter eventually dies down and I start talking before Osten could leak the truth to her. The idea of lying to her physically pained me, but I wasn't sure I wanted anyone to know about whatever Josie and I were. "We were just remembering that time on the New Year where Ahren sneezed mid-drink of champagne and it came out his nose."

Miss Marlee smiled and shook her head."Those were good times. Well, if you boys don't mind, I will be making my way to the Women's Room."

I smile and nod. "Don't let us stop you."

She walks in between Osten and me and calls over her shoulder. "I'll see you boys at lunch!"

Once she's out of reach of our voices, Osten becomes business-like again. "Do you accept the offer?"

I contemplate everything that's happened. In the end, I decide that I have nothing to lose. Besides, it's for a good cause.


I go up to the third floor to my room to tackle dome of my studies. I'm in the middle of a history lesson when a maid bustles through the door, startling me out of my wits.

She rushes out loud of her words while curtsied, which must be extremely uncomfortable, but hey, whatever floats your boat. "I'm sorry for intruding, Your Highness, but your mother has asked you to come to the Women's Room. She says it's urgent."

I slam my history book closed and run past the maid, through four hallways, and down two flights of stairs before busting through the doors of the Women's Room. "What is it? What's wrong?" I say catching my breath.

I look over to see my mom and sister as well as their inner circle of lady friends giggling at me. "What's so funny?" I yell, upset that they would take such an important matter, whatever it was, so childishly.

The giggles intensify and Mom clears her throat and says, "Kaden, dear, won't you please come sit down?"

My suspicions are now raised as I cautiously make my way to a seat on a couch beside Eady, who pokes me in the side and wiggles her eyebrows, and Miss Lucy, who just sits there smiling at me.

"So," Mom begins,"tell us everything."

"What are you talking about?" I question.

"Please Kaden, you know what she's talking about." Says Neena, Eadlyn's lady-in-waiting.

I have a slight suspicion of what they're hinting, but I don't want to just yell it out and it be wrong.

"Yeah Kaden, we already know, we just want to hear it from you." Says Aunt May.

"You guys must be delusional. Maybe it's the perfume fumes in here getting to your head." I suggest.

Mom looks around the group of ladies with an Osten-like look in her eye and slowly starts chanting, "Kaden likes Josie, Kaden likes Josie."

One by one they all join in until the chat gets faster and faster.

I roll my eyes. "Alright, alright. Who told you?"

All eyes turn to Miss Marlee. She knew that whole time. I think. "Well," she begins, "Josie told Carter about it and Carter and I don't keep secrets from each other, so he told me, and, well, who am I to keep secrets from my best friends?"

I sigh deeply and bury my head in my arms. Suddenly, doing the Chicken Dance in front of Queen Alarica didn't seem so bad after all.

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