Chapter 13- The Power of Fruit Cake

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Dinner is the same, quiet. It used to be loud and there was never a dull moment. I guess when you're royalty, or when you live with royals, you're forced to grow up too soon. It's like the minute you blink, you've grown up and you're forced to leave behind your childhood around.

At least we'll have Osten to give us a laugh a little while longer.

After taking a few bites, I set my fork down and look across the table. "So, Osten, what did you do today?"

He looks up from where he was preoccupied with his food to me with a startled look in his eyes. "Oh- I- um... I think I worked on some of my studies. I'm don't really remember. School is just... Bleh."

Amen to that. I think. I haven't met anyone besides Kaden who likes learning academically. Sometimes Kile. I guess we all can be that way, it just depends on the day and what the topic is and if it's before noon. I need my sleep.

After a few more tries, Mr. Maxon starts talking which seems to spark everyone leading to conversation after conversation piling on top of each other.

I smile to myself while debating with Mom and Miss America if cake of ice cream is better.

"But think about it, there's practically no way to ,essentially up ice cream." I say to the two women.

"If Osten touches it, then yes it can be messed up." Mom says.

"Okay, in your defence, that's true." I begin. Mom and Miss America smile at each other, thinking they've won, "Hold on, I wasn't finished yet. But cake can be messed up if Osten touches it too. And some can be too dry or too dense. What do you say about fruit cake?"

Miss America snorts. "Please, Josie. Only one fruit cake exists in the world. It just gets passed a long from family to family, for days, months, years, and so on until someone, one day soon, will wise up and throw it I  the ocean."

Mom and I both burst into laughter and can't stop. Litterally. Everyone stares at us until they start laughing andeventually, even Miss America starts. She claims that it was too sad just to sit around and watch other people laugh.

We're all still sitting at the table two hours later laughing and joking.

Then, Osten yawns. Something so little and harmless shut the whole thing down. We all became sleepy and headed in our separate ways, well, not without all of us walking up the stairs, Osten making faces at the gaurds, and saying goodnight one by one as each one of us found our rooms.

Tonight became great just because of fruit cake. Now, I have to like it. I think to myself.

The next morning, the light and heart warming conversation continues at breakfast and in the Womens Room.

That is, until about noon, when a gaurd bursts in without permission. "Your Majesty," he says speaking directly to Miss America, "We just found out. It's your mother."

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