Chapter 5- The Ingenious Plan Starts

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The next morning, I wake up, ready to pull one of the biggest pranks the palace will have known.

I dig through my closet looking for a swimsuit. I finally found one buried behind all of my gowns. There isn't really much of a need here, though I heard Eadlyn talking about getting a pool once.

I pull on the blue one piece and find my white cover up. I walk to the bathroom and pull my hair into a ponytail. I slip on my white gladiator sandals and head over to Kaden's room.

I knock. "Come in!" He calls.

I let myself in. "Hang on. I'm almost done." He says from the bathroom.


I allow myself to explore his room.

Dark blue walls and dark floors. On the right side of the room is a huge floor to ceiling bookcase, in front of that, a table. On the table is a mixture of school work and photos I can only guess he took himself.

His parents dancing at last year's Halloween ball. Miss America and Mom laughing at Mr. Maxon.

On the other side of the room is his bed and a shelf and a music stand.

The music and stand are in front of a large window overlooking the center of the gardens.

I walk over to look at the music. Violin. I didn't know that, I think as I thumb through thee after sheet of music.

"Hey." He says, coming up behind me and making me jump.

He's in navy board shorts and a white t-shirt. "You ready?" He asks.

"No. If we stay later, we'll attract more attention."

He nods. "Okay."

"So, how long have you played violin?" I ask him.

"Since I was about nine. Maybe ten. Osten's age. Mom wanted us all to have some musical skill so I play violin, Eady plays piano, Ahren guitar, and Osten just started violin a few weeks ago."

"That's cool. I started playing my flute when I was around Osten's age too. You should play for me sometime."

He let's out a dry laugh. Almost, almost, embarassed. "Maybe another time. We have to go now.


We walk in a few minutes later than everyone else and we do, in fact, draw attention.

I pick a seat cross from Osten and beside my dad. "Why are you dressed up like that, Josie?" Osten asks.

I shrug. "Oh, Kaden and I are going to have a water balloon fight in the garden later."

He nods. "You know, Josie," he says. "We could use some more people. Do you want to play, Osten?"


"Well, finish up and change your clothes. Meet us outside in 30 minutes." He nods and shoves the rest of his food in his mouth before running out of the dining room.

"Okay, guys," Kaden says, "Once you're done, wait inside the hallway for us to start until you come out."

There are a few 'yeses' murmured around the table while everyone was trying to finish their meal.

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