Chapter 8- Hobbies and Sore Muscles

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Kaden's POV

When it was time for dinner, we all came down to the dining room. Josie was already down there before everyone else though. We said hello, and had small talk for a while.
"So," I say, " Do you have any hobbies that no one really knows about?"
"Well, now that I think about it, I do really like yoga. It helps relax me a lot after a lesson, or even sometimes after Gavril's reports."

"Of all things, I'd never really thought you'd do yoga. But then, at the same time, we hardly know each other, really. Is it fun?" I was really curious now. It was fun to learn more about Josie.
"Actually, its pretty fun, if you know what you're doing. Would you like to try?"
Now, this was almost a challenge to me. I was now determined to learn how to do yoga. "Yeah, that sounds pretty cool! When should we start?"
"Meet me in the garden about 30 minutes after dinner. Weather most comfortable clothes you can. If you have shorts and a t shirt, wear that. I have the mats," Josie said excitedly. "Okay, I'll see you then."
"Okay. Bye!" I got up from the table to find like the sports clothes Josie suggested I wear. I grabbed a pair of blue shorts and a white t-shirt, and quickly changed.
I walked down to the garden, where I saw Josie, also in comfortable clothes stretching on a mat. "Oh, there you are! Glad you came to join me," she says with a smile on her face. "Come on, here's a mat that you can practice on. We'll start with some simple stretches. I'll show you the downward dog first." Josie instantly got down into the position she was teaching me, and stayed there for a few minutes, explaining breathing techniques and then demonstrating a few other poses: the plank, the warrior pose, and the tree pose. I was doing exactly what she was doing, and i did enjoy it! As we moved into the sun salutation, I pulled my thigh muscle. It didn't feel too bad, so I just ignored it. By the time Josie and I finished our yoga session, I was pretty happy. I liked yoga, now that I thought about it, and I would definitely do it again. I began to help Josie roll up the mats, when my muscle began to feel really sore.
"Ouch!" I yelled, and began hopping on the opposite leg, as it hurt to put pressure on the other leg. Josie looked up, and began laughing at me. "What's so funny? This is pretty painful!"

"Its funny that you're hopping on one leg! And, what did you expect? Its your first time doing yoga. Your body has to get used to it. Now, come on, I'll take you to the hospital wing and get you some muscle rub" Josie picked up the mats, then walked me to the palace hospital, where they did get some muscle rub for my thigh. It felt much better, and I was able to leave after about 30 minutes when I was able to walk without pain, or limping. Josie walked me back to my room, where we bid each other goodnight.

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