Chapter 6- New Additions

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"Momma?" Scarlet asks, pulling me out of my story.

"Yes, sweetheart?"

"Why would you do something like that to Uncle Osten?"

"Well," I inhale, "Your Uncle Osten used to roam the palace pulling pranks and looking for true around every corner, so we thought it would be nice to pull one big prank on him."

"Oh. Momma?" She asks.

"Yes, Scar?"

"Isn't it time for dinner?"

I glance to the big clock at the front of the parlor."Oh, your right, Scarlet. Let's head down."

I pick Atlas up and Kaden holds Scarlet ' s hand as his other arm is wrapped around my waist.

We head into the dining room. We're the last ones.

"What we're you guys doing that made you late?" My mother asks.

"Mom it was only by," I glance at the clock, "Three minutes. We were telling Scarlet and Atlas a story."

"What story?" America asks from across the table.

"Your granddaughter wanted to know how her mommy and daddy got together."

"That's nice."

I nod. Dinner is served. Nothing on the plate looks very appetizing so I just nibble on a piece of bread until everyone is finished.

We all head back upstairs but this time, instead of staying in a parlor, we go to our bedroom to tell more of the story.

Scarlet hops on the bed and I put Atlas down beside her. It's time we tell them. "Can you guys stay here for a moment? I need to talk to Daddy."

Atlas giggles and Scarlet nods.

I pull him up and pull him towards the bathroom, shutting the door firmly behind us. "Kaden, it's time to tell them.'

He simply nods. "Okay. If you think it's time."

"I do." I say.

"I love you, Josie." He says as we reenter the room.

"I love you too, Kaden."

I sit down on the bed making myself comfortable before talking. "I have to make an announcement before we get back to the story." I peek over at Kaden who smiles at me and nods. "In a few konths, you will have a new brother or sister!"

The first thing I hear is Scarlet squealing in delight. "You're gonna have a baby?" She asks, almost as if it was too good to be true.

I nod and she squeals even louder.
Atlas, who can't quite understand whats going on giggles anyway, not missing out.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" She asks, bouncing on the bed.

"We won't know for a few more weeks, sweetie."

"Awww. Okay. Can you at least get back to the story?"

I nod and begin right where I left off.

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