Chapter 11- Royal Stalker

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I plop down on my bed and let out a sigh. I am am absolutely out of it.

I put on my pajamas and sleep finds me before I can even get under my blankets.
The next morning, I wake up by Mom shaking me. "What is it?"I say through a yawn.

"It's time for breakfast. I thought you wouldn't want to miss it."

"Oh." I say while stretching. "Can I just wear my pajamas?"

"Josie, you're 15, not five." She protests.

"It's not like the Selected are here. Does it matter. Everyone here is practically family."

"Alright." She caves.

"Yes!" She leaves and I jump off the bed, suddenly possessing more energy than ever before.

I throw my slippers on and run a brush through my hair before running down the stairs two at a time.

I head into the dining room and take my normal seat at the table and help myself to a plate of my laid out breakfast, ignoring the stares of the other residents of the palace.

I feel like turning cartwheels after I finish breakfast. Why am I so hyper?

Instead, I get into my yoga outfit, grab my mat, and head to the garden.

I get my things set up, and start in a downward dog position, before switching to the more complex, Head to Foot pose. I hold it for as long as I can, before dropping back down on my mat.

I close my eyes for two minutes when I feel icy water pour over me.

"Osten!" I yell, jumping up.

I swear, you can't do anything here with him around.

Blinded with rage I jump up and follow the heavy, running footsteps from the garden into the palace.

Did you know it's nearly impossible to get water out of your eyes while running? I manage it somehow and when I can see clearly again, I notice my tormentor wasn't Osten, but Kaden.

"You little..." I scowl under my breath. I run faster. I'm right on his tail, and I jump, tackling him to the ground.

"Was that necessary?" I ask him.

"Yes," he says, laughing and panting at the same time, "You looked all too happy out there."

I shake my head. "You better watch your back, Schreave." I offer him a hand and pull him up.

"I will, Woodwork."

I turn around and am walking away when a realization dawns on me. "You were watching me?"

His face flushes, giving me my answer. "W- Wh-... I don't know what you're talking about."

I roll my eyes, smirking. "Looks like I have myself a royal stalker."

I see his face flush even more, and I walk right past him, relishing the look on his face and that I caught him.

Even soaking wet, I can tell that good things are coming.

I head to my room scheming revenge on the one called Kaden Schreave.

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