f + a, 0.2

9 1 1

Riley and Michael cane into the apartment with a bag full of Chinese food because who didn't like Chinese food?
Aidan set up around the floor fit them all to sit down and eat. This was a planned out movie night they organized so that they could all just relax and hang out a bit.
"Why did it take you guys so long, the place isn't that far?" Frank questioned and tilted his head a little.
Riley nudged her boyfriend before he could speak, blushing profusely. Aidan helped set up the food on their coffee table, it was the closest the girls had to one. They all decided on Aladdin because 'Aladdin is fucking hot' as quoted by Riley and Michael.
Frank just chuckled thinking they were pretty cute, hopefully he'd have that with Aidan someday. Speaking of her, she somehow managed to get into a conversation with Riley about which Disney dude was hotter. Was this really how they were when the guys weren't there? Girls are weird sometimes.

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