famous // frank

11 1 0

prompt: aidan's a successful youtuber and frank's band is quite popular in her following along with popular in her heart.

Aidan sat at her desk as she scrolled through her latest video's comments, they were mostly nice with a few exceptions. She tapped her nails looking for a new song to cover throughout the list she compiled.

She sighed softly and wrote down a few before publishing a poll for the songs, leaning back in her chair.

She pulled out her notebook before starting on a new drawing, this is what happened for the next few hours until she received enough votes for a song. The song choosen was 'Joyriding' by her boyfriend's band.

Her and Frank weren't out to the public, people only knowing that Frank was her idol which wasn't that far from the truth for a while. She did admire him for a good portion of her teenage years.

She smiled a little at the thought, thought back to when they weren't so stressed about the band or her career. Aidan sighed and looked around at her surroundings, seeing little photos of her and Frank all over the place. If people ever asked, she'd say it's from all the times they'd met. She sighed again, her little office space was filled up with promotional material and art pieces.

The dyed haired girl got up and grabbed camera, switching it on before waking around with it.

"Alright, this isn't going to be like my normal videos since i'm not really a vlog style youtuber unless it's for an event but this is very important to me. Everyone knows how much I love Frank Iero and his entire music career basically."

She walked toward their shared room, climbing into the bed with Frank. "So, everyone meet Frank, we're a couple! We've been together for about 2 1/2 years," she smiled, looking at his slightly confused expression.

"If this video gets positive feedback, maybe I'll make a boyfriend tag. Until next time!" Aidan looked over her footage a little before leaning into kiss him. Frank just smiled a little and sloppily kissed back.

The two of them worked to get the video up as soon as possible, sighing softly once it went live. They'd see the feedback in the morning.

Needless to say, everyone flipped shit and the video was all over the internet when they woke but they didn't care, they could openly love each other now.

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