~8~ redemption

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(Lynn's POV)

I shove the school doors open with my elbow and sprint down the sidewalk. Tears stream down my face and I taste their saltiness when they reach my lips. My blonde hair sticks to my lips as I run, but I'm too distressed to let that bother me.

He was a monster, even scarier than when I first met him. His eyes burned with pure delight at the sight of the dead boy. It was as if he had given up on trying to reform himself and found his old ways more appealing.

I fall to the ground at Oliver's grave, my jeans becoming soaked as the water from the wet ground seeps into them. I brush my fingers across the tree trunk.

"I wish you were still here," I whisper.

Suddenly, I hear the sound of two large wings. I cower in fear on the ground, knowing exactly who it was.

"You're still obsessed with your dead dog?" Benjamin scoffs. "How can you still want your stupid dog when I'm the one who has spared your life, saved you from nightmares, and getting revenge on a bully?"

I wipe my eyes and look up at him, not afraid of him anymore. "I thought you were different, Benjamin. But it turns out you're still the same cynical creature you were at the beginning. I thought I could trust you." I look at the ground and my voice shakes. "But you know what," I look back up at him and manage a smile. "I'll always remember the kindness you once had. Hopefully, you'll be able to find it again."

I turn away from him and walk away, not bothering to look behind me. He doesn't follow me as I trudge back to my house.

(Ben's POV)

I watch Lynn walk away, feeling sadness and emptiness. I thought that killing would fill the void but it was only a temporary fix.

Falling to the ground on my knees, I weep. Lynn doesn't trust me anymore, and I don't blame her. I'm unstable and unpredictable with my gray wings, which means they can turn back to black at any given moment. And along with the black wings, my heart longs for evil.

I notice that as I'm crying, my wings turn lighter and lighter until they're back to the medium gray color. Hope rises within me and I come up with a theory: If I can get my wings to turn pure white, maybe they'll stay that way forever and I'll no longer be a dark angel of death, but a light guardian angel.

I've come to the conclusion that every kind and loving thing I do for Lynn makes my wings lighter. So I spend the whole night coming up with a plan to get my wings to turn white and hopefully stay white.

After I'm done planning it, I get ready to find Lynn and show her what I have come up with. I just hope she can forgive me for my actions earlier.

Evil Angel ~ Benjamin BurnleyWhere stories live. Discover now