He's Not Over Me?

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"Kyle!? Where are you!?" Jessie yelled shakily. I could see him on the oposite side of the feilds. He finally managed to spot me and ran towards me. It was dark, I could only see the outline of him. The closer he got the better I could see him. He stopped a few inches away from me and knelt down. I could see the tears streaming down his face now. He breathed heavily and wiped the tears from his cheeks. He noticed the shiny razor blade, laying on my leather jacket beside me. He slowly looked to my thighs and then to my wrists. "Kyle. Why? Please tell me." He pleaded. "I hate myself. My looks, my personality, everything. And now Jayden does too." I said simply as he wiped the tears from my cheeks. He lifted my arm up and stared into my eyes as he gently kissed the scars. It didn't hurt, it was more relaxing than painful, and I knew he was trying to turn me on. He tore cloth from his shirt and wrapped it around both of my wrists as a substitute for bandages. "You don't have a reason to hate yourself Kyle. Especially your looks." He smirked, sitting on my lap and wrapping his arms around me. He kissed my cheek softly and stroked my arm. "Jessie. I thought you were straight." I stared in confusion. "I thought I was too. But I just can't resist you."  He started grinding on me. "What if the others find us?" I said as he pulled my shirt off. "Oh they won't. It's too dark. Plus, it was only me, Jayden, Gage, and Allen who decided to search.  They are all searching the lower wing of the camp, like the high ropes course and pool house." He grinned, pulling his own shirt off.  "Are you a top or bottom?" He smirked, grinding against me again. "I don't fucking care." I moaned softly. He pulled my shorts off, then his own. "Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked. "Only if you want to." He stopped, staring at me. I hesitantly nodded in response. I stared silently, taking in his appearance. He was pale, muscular but not actually scary, fit, at least 6'3, he had soft green eyes, bright blonde hair, and sculpted cheek bones. He sat on my lap again and started grinding against me again. I moaned softly as his hands roamed my body. At that moment I forgot about Jayden, and everyone for that fact. He smirked as he pulled my underwear off and started kissing down my neck and chest. My heart raced as he slowly sucked me. I groaned loudly as he licked my tip. I heard my name being yelled in the distance. I remembered that the others had been looking for me too. Jessie stopped and started kissing me deeply. "Now tell me. Could Jayden ever do that for you?" He smirked. "N-no." I moaned as he started grinding against me again. I bit my lip as he took his underwear off. I flinched as he was kicked off of me. I looked up at Jayden and quickly put my underwear back on. He showed no emotions. He jumped on top of Jessie and started beating him up. I threw myself inbetween them. Jayden couldn't stop himself before he punched me in the jaw. His eyes filled with disappointment and jealousy as I grabbed Jessie's hand. "Jayden go away! I hate you!" I yelled, pushing him off of Jessie. I stood up and cracked my knuckles. He quickly looked to the bloody cloths on my wrists. I realized I had bled through them. "You promised me you wou- N-nevermind. You wouldn't care." He started to cry a little. I felt bad on the inside, but we just weren't meant to be. "Jayden. Whatever happened to the shy, quiet, gentle, sweet side of you. It would be nice if I had it back. But it clearly won't happen, because even after you promised to be yourself, you did the exact opposite. I don't love you. I love the boy who saved my life. And that's clearly not you!" I snapped. He stared at the devastation in my eyes. He turned and ran. I helped Jessie up and got dressed. I put the razor blade back in my pocket. I looked at Jessie one more time before running back to our cabin. I started balling my eyes out as I opened the door. I climbed up on my bunk and burried my face in my pillow. "Kyle! What happened?" Gage flinched. "J-Jayden left me." I wimpered, Jayden wasn't in the cabin at the moment. "What an asshole! Who needs him anyways! Why the hell would he leave you!? You totally don't need him!" Gabe wrapped his arms around me and comforted me as I cried in his chest.

We were bored so we would look for any possible conversation to keep us busy. I hadn't spoken since I told everyone what happened. By this time everybody including Jayden had returned to the cabin. "Does anybody have any impressive talents?" Jessie smiled from across the room. He hadn't made much eye contact with me. Everybody went silent and looked around. I knew I could sing really well, but I was kind of shy about it. "Just gonna stand there and watch me burn. But that's alright because I like the way it hurts." I sang as everybody snapped their attention to me. "Wow. That was amazing!" Greyson smiled. "Yeah! You can sing really good Kyle!" Carson stared at me in a daze. "I-It's amazing. I really love it." Jayden said shakily. I looked at him and felt tears in my eyes as he stared at his sketch book. "T-thanks guys. That's the first time I ever sang in front of people." I muttered. "Well you've gotta do it more often!" Alex laughed. "Yeah!" Jessie smiled softly, finally making eye contact. "I'd rather not sing right now though. I'm not in the best mood." I grinned, looked down at my feet. Everybody was looking at me, causing me to feel noticed for once. I'm used to being popular but after I moved all that changed. "K-Kyle." Jayden whispered, just loud enough for everyone to hear me. I ignored him and continued facing down, except I had my eyes closed now. "Kyle please. I still love you." He said shakily. I had tears dripping down my face. Gage was still sitting beside me, leaning against the top of the bunk of which was pushed against the wall. "Kyle. Please just listen to me." He begged as Gage gently wrapped his arms around me and comforted me. I didn't want to talk to him. "Jayden just leave him alone. It's okay Kyle." Gage whispered as he held my in close to him. I slowly wrapped my arms around him and burried my face in his chest. I could feel his heart beat and I felt like I was falling for him too. I had almost every guy in my cabin wrapped around my finger. But I couldn't fall for them, I wouldn't let my heart be broken again. "Kyle. I know you hate me. But just listen. I love you. And I always will. Forever." Jayden said softly as he climbed down his bunk. I heard the door creek open and slam shut. I slowly sat up and looked to the door. It was pouring the rain now, and Jayden was gone. I quickly got up and climbed down from the bunk, Jessie and Allen quickly stopped me. "Kyle calm down. Don't fuck yourself up any more than you already are." Allen whispered. "Let go!" I yelled pushing them both away from me. I ran out of the cabin and slammed the door shut. I looked around and finally managed to spot Allen. The gravel was cutting my feet open as I ran through the heavy rain and ignored the thunder and darkness. He was standing on the concrete platform. Lightning lit up the entire camp, and a loud boom of thunder echoed through the air as I ran to Jayden. He still had his hair up in a pony tail, so I could easily see his face and eyes. His eyes were bloodshot, and his skin was paler than normal. I pinned him down and crashed my lips into his. He slowly closed his eyes and kissed back. I slowly released him and stood up. "I don't hate you, I still love you. And I always will." I whispered. His face turned red, he was blushing. I hadn't seen that in a while. I pulled him into a tight hug and kissed his cheek. I looked back to the cabin, the door was open and Allen and Gage were watching us. They both had slight smiles on their faces. Jessie ran up behind Allen and picked him up. He kissed him pationetly. Gage just stared at them in shock with his hands over his mouth. Me and Jayden both busted out into laughter as Allen and Jessie started wrestling. They were strange, but so were we.

Sorry this chapter was kinda short compared to some of my others. I'm working on a new story at the moment. It's a Joshler fanfiction, it's definitely for a more mature audience though. Spoiler Alert, there is a sex scene in the first chapter.

Alexander Greyson Allen Carson Jessie Chris Allen Jayden Kyle

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