Dance Team

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Kyle's POV
I woke up early and grabbed my bag of important stuff i had packed fore the feild trip. I woke Jayden up and ran into the bathroom. I took a shower, used the bathroom, did my hair, and put in my contacts. I grabbed !my bag and dug out some clothes. I put on a solid black taktop, some dark blue shorts, and my old tennis shoes. I was not going to even consider wearing my good Jordans to some crappy summer camp. I packed my hygiene stuff,  hair gel, contact solution, extra contacts, some clothes, a bed sheet,  a thin blanket, a thin jacket, a pillow, my swim shorts, suncscreen, a towel and my sandles. "Bae. You ready to go?" I smiled, staring at his butt as he faced the other direction packing his bag. He turned to me and raised an eyebrow. "No. But almost. What are you staring at?" He laughed. He was wearing super tight basketball shorts, and he didn't have a shirt on. "Just enjoying the veiw." I laughed. He rolled his eyes and put a light blue tank top on. He changed into some loose black shorts and some old looking converse. He put on his eyeliner and straightened his hair. "How do I look?" He grinned. "Perfect." I smiled. "Babe, you look like a fuckboy." He grinned. "Thankyou." I rolled my eyes as I put my sunglasses on. "Lets go! Before we miss the bus!" I laughed, extending the handle to my lugage and kicking the wheel so it wouldnt squeek. He rolled his eyes and extended the handle on his. We both exited the room and locked the door behind us. We made our way to the gym in the main building. We carried our luggage across the room and stood still, waiting for the bus. Almost the entire school was already in there. I ran to the door as soon as I heard the bus. Jayden managed to get right behind me. So we got first pick of the seats on the bus that would leave last. We picked to sit in the very back. We put our luggage under our seats and waited silently for everyone else to finish loading the bus. Everyone began cheering "Feild trip! Feild trip! Feild trip!" I found me and Jayden yelling louder than anyone else on the bus. The cheering turned into a loud roar that slowly calmed when the doora closed and the bus began moving. I hadn't eaten in like 3 days so I was starving. One ofthe councilor had brought snacks for the ride there and back. She handed everybody one bag. There was an apple, a granola bar, a small thing of doritos, and three juices. I ate the apple and granola bar and drank one juice. I put my trash in a box that sat in the back of the bus. I put the rest of my snacks beside my luggage.

"So I'm the first guy you've ever liked?" Jayden smiled. "Yeah." I smiled, holding his hand gently. After a few minutes he rested his head on my shoulder and fell asleep. I leaned on the window and slowly did the same.

I woke up extremely thirsty. Jayden was already awake and he was talking to Adrian who sat in the seat across from us. I drank both of my other juices. I threw the trash away and put the doritos back. Jayden finally noticed I was awake. "Kyle like oh my god. Somebody stole one of Kovu's chest binders from his suit case." Jayden laughed. "Why? All I have to say is why. Why would somebody want to steal a chest binder?" I laughed. Kovu seemed to find it absolutely hilarious as well. Adrian was laughing so hard that he couldn't speak. "Adrian? Are you okay?" I laughed. "No. No I am not okay. This is priceless. I'm dying." He laughed. I don't know why we found the fact of stealing a chest binder so funny. But we didn't calm down for like 5 minutes. We were handed our camp info. Cabin 5 Section 3 Breakfast Class 1 Swim Class 2 High Ropes Class 3 Free Roam Lunch Class 4 Low Ropes Class 5 Fishing Dinner. Mine read. It was the exact classes I had sighned up for. I compared it to his Cabin 5 Section 3 Breakfast Class 1 Swim Class 2 High Ropes Class 3 Dance Lunch Class 4 Hiking Class 5 Low Ropes Diner. His similarly read. "We have the same cabin, Classes 1 and 2, and of course the daily meals." I smiled. The bus finally came to a stop. "Please find youre cabins. You'll have 20 minutes to get ready and then find your way to your first class!" The councilor shouted. We grabbed our luggage and ran to our cabin. We swung the door open and chose our bunks. He bunked in the left corner on the top bunk across from the changing room, and I chose the top bunk second to the left corner. Not long after that the other cabin mates from other schools or counties spilled in. I set up my bed sheets and changed into my swim shorts. I put on my sunscreen and sunglasses. "Babe hurry up." I smiled as he put on his sunscreen. "Wait, did you just call him babe?" A guy raised his eyebrow. "Yeah, you got a problem with that?" I frowned, cracking my knuckeles and steping towards him. "N-no sir." He flinched. I smiled and grabbed Jayden's hand. We exited the building and found the pool just before class started. I took my sunglasses off and laid them on a table. The lifegaurds explained the rules then blew the whistle. Almost everyone jumped in, except for me, Jayden, and some other kids. Jayden stood on the edge of the pool. He managed to get all of his eyeliner off, but he still just stood there. I ran and tackled him in. He laughed as he stood up. "What's the hold up? Can't swim?" I grinned. "I can swim, my hair is going to need to be restraightened, and didn't pack my straightener." He laughed. "But I can just put my hair up in a bun." He smiled.

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