My Fuckboy Gaurdian

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Jayden's POV
"It's okay Kyle" I whispered in his ear. He stood up and hugged me back. Carson stared at us in bitter sadness. "You two go back to your dorm. Carson, stay here." The councilor frowned, staring at Carson angrily. I dragged Kyle out of the building and back to the dorm. I slammed the door and released his wrist. I fell facedown onto my bed and began to cry. I felt weight lower the edge of my bed beside me and a gentle hand placed on my back. "I can't beleive I let him even talk to you like that. Let alone touch you there." I muttered. "It's okay, there was nothing you could do. If it weren't for you I would probably be stripped down on my bed being pounded right now. If you hadn't yelled let alone been here in the first place nobody would have heard me scream." Kyle whispered. The room sat still as Kyle stared at me. I sat up and looked at him as he stood up and made his way across the room. He sat down on his bed and pulled a small black box from his bedside table. He opened it to reveal so many dfferent kinds of razor blades. "Promise you won't tell anyone if I do this to myself?" Kyle said as tears rolled down his cheeks. "Kyle. I. Please. Don't." I stared at the box as he removed a square like blade from the box. I jumped up and threw the box on the floor. I knocked the blade out of his hand, cutting my hand badly as I did so. I kissed him passionately. I pulled away slowly and stared into his eyes. "Jayden, why won't yo-" He started as I cut him off. "You know I wouldn't let you do that to yourself Kyle. Don't even let it cross your mind anymore. Because it hurts me more than it does you." I said picking the blades up off the floor and putting them in the box. I placed the box under my bed where he wouldn't find it and sat down. I didn't notice the blood on my hand. "J-Jayden. Your hand. Was that... My fault?" He said as he stared at my hand. I looked down to my blood covered hand and stared at it in shock. "No. It's my fault, it happened because... I... I love you Kyle." I said as he dug through a small bag of hygiene stuff beside my bed. He finnaly found the first aid kit and sat down beside me on the bed. He took one of the alcohol pads and cleaned the blood from my hand. When I saw just how bad the cut was I couldn't help but start to panic. He wrapped my hand in bandages and kissed me. He put the first aid kit back and sat on my lap. He pulled his leather jacket off and threw it on the floor. "W-what are you doing?" I stuttered as he got up and locked the door. He walked back over to me and got on his knees. "Only if you want this Jayden." He smirked.

Kyle smiled in satisfaction as he put his clothes back on and fixed his hair. I stood up and copied him. I looked to him as he tied his shoes. "Where are you going?" I looked back down to my feet as i put my socks on. "Back to the party. You going?" He said as he opened the door. "Yeah, I'll be there in a minute." I smiled as he closed the door slowly. I put on a black Green Day shirt, some tight  black jeans, and my grey converse. I looked in the mirror, fixed my eye liner, and brushed my hair. I opened the door and closed it behind me, not realising that it was unlocked. I made my way back to the party and ran to the drink table. I grabbed a beer and chugged it down. The crowd had grown larger since it had gotten later. I sat down on the benches and climbed to the top row. I soon found myself in a daze, staring into nothing. The way Kyle had moaned my name earelier so many times, stuck in my head. "Whacha doin?" Adrian smiled as he sat down beside me. "Nothing." I muttered, still staring into nothing. "Oh my god who kissed you Jayden?" Adrian smiled. "How do you know somebody kissed me?" I stared at him in shock. "Seriously Jayden! I can read you like an open book! And I know body language pretty well." He laughed. "The new kid, Kyle." I smiled to myself. "Really. You got him to kiss you. Like no offense but, you! But you're so shy, and annoying sometimes." He said rudley. "Yeah." I glared at him in bitter anger. Adrian was my rude best friend for 5 years. "Jayden! I'm so jealous! What was it like?" He smiled. "Oh it was more than a kiss Adrian." I smirked. "Oh my god. You fucked him didn't you." He grinned. I nodded as Kyle started looking around. I knew he was looking for me. "Oh my god! You are the luckiest boy on earth." He hugged me. Kyle spotted us and ran up the bleachers and stood a few feet away. He stared at Adrian with a jealous expression. "Who is this Jayden?" He smiled. "Kyle this is Adrian. Adrian if you say anything about what I just told you I will kick your ass!" I stared at Adrian. Kyle sat down beside me. Adrian's phone began to ring. "Oh it's my roommate. I should probably get going." He smiled as he answered it and ran out of the gym. A few minutes later I found myself in the middle of this crowd unable to find Kyle. I made my way out of the room and leaned against the wall in the hallway. I closed my eyes and tried to calm down. I felt someone pin me against the wall violently. I quickly looked up at Andrew as he punched my in the stomach. I tried to struggle out of his grasp, but I found myself unable to move. He hit me, kicked me, kneed me, and elbowed me until the door opened. He ignored it and continued hitting me. Next thing I knew he was skidding across the tile floor on his back. Kyle ran and jumped on him. I had never seen someone so violent. Kyle beat him until he begged for mercy. Kyle stood up and ran to me. He hugged me gently and pressed his soft lips against mine. "Are you okay?" He whispered. "Yeah. I'm okay." I hugged him back. He turned around in panic as he heard a laugh. 4 boys of which I didn't know the name of circled around us. "Looks like he's not only shy, but he's a faggot too." One of the boys laughed. Kyle backed up against me and put his arms back in protection. "Don't call him that!" Kyle snapped. "Why? What are you gonna do about it?" The tallest boy grinned. "Protect him. With my life." He frowned. I started to cry as I realized, when he said he would protect me, so far as to lose his life for my saftey. He meant that if he were to be dying or deathly injured he would still do what he could to protect me. They beat him as he held his position and protected me. When they finally decided they were done with him, they walked away calmly. As if nothing had ever happened. He turned to me, revealing his busted lip, bleeding nose, bruses, black eye, and bleeding forehead. "Are you okay Jayden?" He stared into my crying eyes. "More of thew question are you okay!?" I yelled, wrapping my arms around him. "I'm fine. I hadn't taken near as bad of a beating that he had. I grabbed his hand and dragged him back to our room. I slammed and locked the door. I grabbed the first aid kit and cleaned the blood from his body with alcohol pads as he winced in pain. I put a band aid on his forehead and delt with the nosebleed. I cleaned the blood from his lip and placed a band aid just below it, where the wound was. He slowly cleaned the blood from my jaw ans cleaned it with an alcohol pad. He put a large band aid that was usually used for scrapes on it since it was a cluster of busted open peices. He kissed me softly and placed the kit beside my bed instead of putting it in the bag so it was more easily accessible. "I'm going back. Stay here. If anybody knocks on the door, don't answer it unless you know and trust them." Kyle said, putting his leather jacket and sunglasses back on. "Does my hair look okay?" He smiled. "You look sexy." I said in response to his question. He smiled at me and waved as he left the room. As soon as he closed the door I felt my heart flutter. For the first time in my entire life, I was in love. With a man who would protect me, and a man who truley cares. I haven't even known him long. A few minutes later he swung the door open and slammed it behind him. "Jayden hide." He whispered. I quickly ran into the closet and locked it as soon as I closed the door. I watched through a small hole busted through the wall as Kyle held the door shut. Just as he was reaching for the lock somebody began pushing against the other side. The door opened a small bit, but Kyle wouldn't give up. His sunglasses fell of as a sudden strong push hit the door. He managed to close it for a second. He closed his eyes and pushed back as hard as he could as the door opened a little bit again. "Kyle give it up! You ain't changing shit! We will get in at some point!" A loud voise boomed from the other side. I quickly swung open the closet door and opened the window. I helped Kyle push the door completely shut and locked it. "Kyle. Go out the window. Onto the roof. And find a way down. I'll be right behind you." I whispered, still holding the door shut incase they broke the lock. I heard a loud snap as he dove out the window onto the roof. I climbed out the window after him as the door swung open. I closed the window behind me to slow them down and ran after Kyle. Each floor had a roof that stuck about 3 or 4 feet out from about a foot below the windows. Kyle looked back at me and leaped down from the roof. He had managed to land on the shed. He climbed off the shed roof and held his arms out towards me. I ran and jumped towards him. He caught me safeley and helped me regain my balance. Kyle looked up the the roof, and I coppied. We watched as four extremely buff guys that I didn't know scrambled out of the window. They looked down at us and frowned. "Jayden, run. I'll slow them down. But it won't take them long to get passed me. I'm nowhere near as strong as even one of them, let alone four of them combined. I hate to say it, but I might not make it back Jayden. But nomatter what happens to you, or what happens to me. I will always, love you." He said, tears filling his eyes. I kissed him roughly and grabbed his hand. "No. Come on. I know a place where we can stay for a while. They won't find us." I started to cry as the men found out how we had gotten down. Kyle looked behind me and grinned. "Adrian! Take him to saftey! Protect him!" Kyle yelled as Adrian stood against his dorm building. Adrian ran over to us and grabbed me by the arm. He soon had to grab both of my arms to keep me from escaping. "No! Kyle! Please!" I screamed, trying to run to him. "It's gonna be okay Jayden! I love you!" He yelled as Adrian pulled me into the saftey of his building. He dragged me up some stairs and into his room. Adrian motioned to his roommate to help him. "Please! We've got to go help him!" I cried.  "Jayden. Calm down. Like he said. It's gonna be okay." Adrain held me tightly. His roommate unknowingly grabbed my wrist. "Ow! Fuck you guys! Fuck you Adrian!" I screamed, still trying to break there grasp. "Oh sorry." The boy appolagized as he noticed my scratched and scared wrists. "Jayden. Calm down. You're okay." Adrain hugged me tightly. "Get off of me!" I yelled before shoving him off and diving out of the room. I ran out of the building, but I couldn't see the men anywhere, more importantly I couldn't see Kyle. I started running towards my dorm, but I was stopped in my tracks when I saw Kyle. Laying on the ground, unconsous. I fell to my knees beside him. I couldn't breath, I couldn't even move. Adrian ran to me and stopped dead in his tracks when he saw what had happened. "This happened because of me." I whispered as tears fell from my cheeks. "No it didn't Jayden." Adrian said calmingly, placing his hand on my shoulder. "No! Don't touch me! You don't fucking understand!" I screamed, standing up and turning to face him. "Jayd-" His eyes filled with shock as I wrapped my hands around his throat and began choking him. I couldn't control myself, I was lost. Adrian's roommate quickly pulled me away from him and shoved my onto the ground. I quickly caught myself and realized exactly what had happened. I stood up and hugged Adrian tightly. "I'm sorry. I don't know who I am Adrian. Without Kyle I'm a usless fucking nobody." I cried as he hugged me back. I realesed him and turned to Kyle. His slow rising chest caught my eyes. I at that moment knew he was alive. I lifted him up over my shoulder and carried him back to our room. I turned to Adrian and the boy, who had followed me up. "Protect him with your life. There is a med kit beside the bed, if there is anything that could help him Adrian use it. I know that you know what your doing, you have a medical certificate." I said before leaving the room and running out of the building. I didn't want to find any councilors, they would just send him home. I immidiatly noticed the 4 men standing a few feet away from me. "Please tell me. I don't want any trouble. But what happened inbetween you and Kyle?" I asked shakily. "He was on his way to the party, but the party was over so we just simply tried to tell him. Before we could speak he flipped us off. Johnnie was offended so he attacked him. He fought back so we helped Johnnie. Little fucker got Johnnie down, put him in the hospital. He ran, and that's when he involved you. After that skinny boy dragged you off I hit him in the head and knocked him out. We had no choice, if we didn't fight back he would have killed us." One of the boys explained. "How hard did you hit him?" I frowned. "About half force." He said confused at was I was planning. I was suprised, these guys were actually nice. "Hit my hand equally as hard as you hit him in the head." I held my hand up. He punched my hand, just enough for me to flinch. I was a relativley tough person when it came to this stuff. I mean it hurt like hell but I was fine. I walked away without saying anything else. I went back to my room. He hadn't hit him hard enough to badly injure him. Just enough to knock him out. "He should be okay." I said as I opened the door. I sat on the edge of the bed and faced Kyle. I kissed him on the forehead and ran my fingers through his hair. Adrian sat down on my bed across the room. "When you said you kissed him I thought you were joking. Especially when you said you fucked him. But after today, I would beleive it." Adrian smiled. "What. I thought they were brothers. Wait they fucked?" Adrian's roommate stared in shock. "Jayden this is Kovu, he's transgender. And he's bisexual." Adrian smiled. "Hi Kovu, I'm Jayden. And I'm gay." I smiled. "I thought you were pansexual." Adrian raised an eyebrow. "Adrian shut the fuck up you don't know shit about me." I frowned. "And this is Kyle, all I know is that he isn't straight." I smiled at Kovu. "Oh and I'm bisexual by the way Kovu." Adrian smiled. "We have a feild trip tommorow. We are gonna go to Camp North Central for a week." Kovu smiled. "I know. It's a 5 hour drive. But I'll be fine as long as I'm with Kyle." I laughed. Next thing I knew Kyle pulled me backwards onto the bed and kissed me. "I told you I would be okay." He smiled. A few minutes later we were playing never have I ever on Adrian's phone. He read off the questions, and we all had to answer them honestly. The one question that made us all cringe. "Never have I ever taken someone's virginity. I have." Adrian laughed. "I have never." I glared at Kovu. "I have. And so have you Jayden." Kyle grinned. "What?" I raised an eyebrow at him. "You took my virginity." Kyle wrapped his arm around me. "You were a virgin?" I said in shock. He nodded and kissed my forehead. "I am the only virgin in this room." Kovu frowned. "Wait. I just noticed. There is a used condom on the fucking floor." Adrian pointed to a used condom beside the bed. "Nope!" Kovu yelled as he ran out of the room. "Awkward." Kyle laughed. I stood up and walked into the bathroom. A few seconds later as I was walking out Kyle screamed and started laughing. I stared as him and Adrian wresled eachother to thee ground. I just facepalmed until they noticed me. "He's back! Get him!" Kyle screamed. He tackled me to the ground and crashed his lips into mine. He brushed his tounge up against my borrom lip. I had completely forgot that Adrian was there. He had just sat on the bed and ignored us while we had eachothers tounges in our mouths on the floor. "If you guys are going to do this. Please do it while I'm not here." He frowned. "Oh Adrian! I completely forgot you were here!" I pushed Kyle off of me. We were both brused and scratched up, I was wondering why Adrian didn't ask, he knew that those 4 men hadn't even touched me. Everything got really quiet and awkward. "Well I'm leaving." Adrian stared at me. "Bye." Me and Kyle said in sync. "I'm tired." I said as I stood up and walked to my bed. I laid down and covered up. I fell asleep within minutes.

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