I Love Him

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"He doesn't treat me the way you do sometimes!" I yelled in her face. "What do I ever do that's mean to you?" She rolled her eyes. "You hit me, and force me to do things that I don't want to do! I'm surprised I'm still a fucking virgin!" I screamed in response. "Well! What do you have about him that you don't me!?" She shouted. "I love him Lydia! I never loved you!" I shoved her. I covered my mouth as I realized what I had said. I looked to Jayden. His eyes wide and full of fear and confusion. "I-I didn't mean it like that! I just uhh! Fuck it! I'm gay for Jayden!" I closed my eyes as I said it. "What!? Kyle I thought you..." She started before I cut her off. "Lydia it's over! You can be mean to me all you want, fucking beat me for all I care! But don't even fucking speak to Jayden like that!" I yelled getting in her face again. I felt a violent hand grab a hold of mine and pull me away from her. My eyes widened as Jayden pulled me into a rough kiss. I slowly closed my eyes and kissed back. I quickly remembered that we were at a huge party full of highschool and middle school kids who would probably stare or take out their phone and record us. Jayden slowly pulled away. I looked at him, and paced my attention from him to Lydia. The only thing running through my fucked up mind was, wow, I really got the shy kid to do that, without knowing.  I took a step back, distancing myself from Jayden in embarrassment. I actually love him. I thought as his face turned red. I looked around at the large amount of people staring. One of which person, was Carson. My face heated up as Carson started approaching me. He stopped a few feet away from me. I looked back to where Jayden had been standing. Only to see the doors swing open and closed as he ran out of the building. I looked at Lydia, who was staring in devastation and confusion. I took the moment as a chance to run away from Carson before he could speak. I went back to my dorm and slammed the door. I looked to see if Jayden was there and of course he was. I rolled my eyes and threw myself onto the bed. Before I knew it I was asleep. I woke up a few minutes later to Carson getting on top of me. "I keep having dirty thoughts about you Kyle." Carson smirked. "You're my fucking brother!! That's incest!! To much fucking information!! Nope!!" I screamed, shoving him off of me. I looked over the Jayden in shock. Jayden had his laptop beside him, and he was staring in confusion and surprise. "Come on Kyle. I just want you inside me baby." He started touching me. "Rape!!!!" Me and Jayden both screamed. Carson quickly backed away as I moved to hit him. We had both screamed loud enough for some other people to hear us. Two boys from next door slung the door open. "Is everything okay in here?" The tallest looked around in confusion. "He's trying to rape him!" Jayden shouted. With the door open his voice echoed down the halls. Carson pushed through them and ran. I looked out the window as he ran back to his dorm. I was frozen in fear. I couldn't move much, but to look down at my feet and stare in deep thought. "Are you guys okay?" The shortest boy glared at me. "Yeah." Jayden sat beside me on the bed. "It's okay Kyle." He wrapped his arm around me. "We are gonna tell the councilor, trust me he'll get in a lot of trouble for this!" The boys said as they closed the door and started running down the hallway. After their loud thumping footsteps faded away Jayden scooted a few inches closer. "Do you wanna just go back to the party, and pretend today never happened?" Jayden smiled. "Yeah. Let's just do that." I said blankly staring into nothing. Jayden grabbed my hand and helped me up. I cleared my mind and hugged him. I ran out of the room with him not far behind me. "I'll beat you there!" I laughed, running faster. "I bet you won't!" He shouted, beginning to catch up. As we reached the bottom floor he ran into me, pinning me to the ground. "Yeah! Hello! To close for comfort!" I laughed as he rolled off of me. We both panted from running so much. We picked ourselves off the ground and started walking again. We both froze completely as the councilor appeared in front of us. "Kyle and Jayden please come to the office." We followed her out of the dorm and into the main building. She took us into a room and we sat down. I looked to my left to see Carson. My reflexes set off and I sent myself running across the room. I hid behind Jayden fearfully. "Do you want me to sit by him?" Jayden rolled his eyes at my immaturity. I nodded my head as he moved beside him and sat down. I sat down in the only other chair and looked at the councilor. "I have received word from the room nearest to you boys that Carson tried to rape one of you, I would like the true story and explanation." The councilor frowned. "It was Kyle that he tried to rape. I watched him storm into the room and lay down. He fell asleep so I started playing on my laptop. That's when Carson silently entered the room and got on top of him. Carson told Kyle that he was having dirty thoughts about him. So Kyle shoved him off and told him that it was incest. Then Carson said he want Kyle inside him." Jayden stared at me as tears filled Carson's eyes. "Mr. Blankonship is this true?" The councilor said, pulling out a file from her desk. "Which one? Me and him are brothers." I frowned. "Both of you." "Yes ma'am." Carson admitted as tears rolled down his cheeks. "Yeah." I started to cry as well. Jayden noticed the tears filling my eyesa and stood up. He bent over and hugged me tightly. "It's okay Kyle." He whispered in my ear, causing shivers to run down my spine.

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