Untitled Part 11

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We were ushered to the bridge by the security guards as I ran my mind over how exactly I could emotional compromise Spock. I was good at annoying people, this couldn't be that hard right? We entered the bridge in a whoosh as the doors opened and all heads turned towards as.

When they saw me they all looked incredibly surprised and Bones looked fairly relieved. There was also a Vulcan man with dark robes on with thick eyebrows. He kind of looked like Spock but I guess that's just how all Vulcans looked. Spock approached Scotty and I with his left brow raised in question as he looked at as with a bit of dismay. I had a smirk on my face as I looked at him triumphantly. Seeing Spock now was a bit of a different experience after meeting Spock from 130 years later. "Surprise" I said with a grin but Spock ignored me and looked at Scotty who was still drenched in water.

" Who are you?" Spock asked and Scotty opened his mouth to reply but I beat him to it. " He's with me" I replied crossing my arm over my chest and not letting the smirk leave my face.

"We're travelling at warp -- how did you manage to get aboard this ship?" Spock asked disregarding my earlier statement. I shrugged absently " I don't know, you're the genius. I'm sure you can figure it out" I answered. The bridge was completely silent once more as it commonly was through out this story. All eyes were on us as we argued like only we could.

" As acting captain of this vessel I demand you answer me" Spock ordered and I snorted. " Well I'm not telling, acting captain" I replied sarcastically. This confounded Spock but I was just getting started on mission "Comprise the Vulcan".

" Does that frustrate you? My lack of cooperation... does it make you angry?" I asked looking for a weak spot. Spock ignored me again and turned his attention to Scotty "You are not a member of this ship's crew. Under penalty of court martial, I order you to explain to me how you beamed aboard this ship" Spock commanded.

" Don't answer him" I stated and this pissed Spock of just a little. " You will answer me" Spock ordered and Scotty looked a little torn. His eyes look to me then at Spock then to me again. He took a step back " Er I would rather not take sides here" Scotty submitted and I smiled. Good man.

Spock looked at the security officers " Escort them to the brig" Spock ordered. At least he wasn't trying to deport me again. I doubted I would get to meet another future Spock if it happened to me again. The security officers moved in back I stepped away from them as I continued with my plan.

" What is it about you, Spock? Your planet was just destroyed, your mother murdered, and you're not even upset?" I asked him and he looked at me stoically. Even though what I said was a lie since I knew very well he had been devastated after his mother's death. I had seen it in the elevator. He would never admit that on the bridge.

"Your presumption that these experiences interfere with my abilities to command this ship is inaccurate" Spock Replied and I saw something go across his eyes. I scoffed " Ha! Yet you said fear was necessary to command a vessel. I mean did you see that bastards ship? Did you see what he did to your planet?" I asked and could practically feel the tension in the air as it continued to build up.

" Yes of course I- So are you afraid or not?" I cut him off now trying to cut even deeper. " I will not... allow you to lecture me about the merits of emotion" Spock replied after a beat of pause. I actually felt a little bad about doing this but I had to save Pike. This was the only way.

" Then stop me" I told him and I could see his emotional barriers beginning to collapse. " Please step away from me Ms. Kirk" Spock ordered in a low more terse voice. He was getting close now.

I took a step closer to him disregarding his order. "What is it like? Not to feel? Anger. Or heartbreak. Or the need to stop at nothing to avenge the death of the woman who gave birth to you?!" I asked as m voice raised and Spock was seething now. " Back away..." Spock muttered, his voice was near volcanic. He just had to erupt now.

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