Part 6

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Wreckage of all of the other Starships laid in ruins all around us. Floating in the vastness of space. They had been viciously torn apart with some sort of weaponry. Lifeless bodies could be seen among the wreckage but were miniscule next to the massive debris. It was horrible. A large chunk of of a Starship Helm came right into view in front of the Enterprise. " Emergency Evasive!!" Pike yelled drawing our attention away from the devastation.

" On it sir!" Sulu said and his hand quickly worked the joy stick. Maneuvering the ship underarm the broken helm in a slow dip. On the helm I could read the U.S.S. Odyssey. I swallowed as the ship now shuddered as we barely scraped the helm.

I hurriedly grabbed the edge of a nearby monitor to steady myself. I turned to see a red skinned Pycae was the one working behind the monitor. I quickly stood back up straight as we managed to evade the rest of the debris that swarmed around us. Once we escaped the cloud of destruction we came upon something even worse.

A gigantic ship was just on the outside of the debris field. Obviously responsible for the destruction behind the Enterprise. It was gigantic, easily dwarfing the Enterprise by huge proportions. It had a long broad hull and strange tendrils that came out the end like they were meant to drill into something. Below the ship there was some sort of huge metal contraption that stretched down towards the oranges surface of Vulcan.

" Captain, they're locking torpedoes!" Spock announced in his deep voice as he stood up drop his monitor. " Full reverse, come about Starboard ninety degrees! Drop us down underneath them!Prepare to fire all weapons!" Pike ordered quickly as the colossal ship began to fire at us and over two dozen hazy green tapes were sent barrelling at us. The ship took a sudden drop as Sulu attempted to maneuver out of the line of fire. But three of the mise need up hitting the ship's nacelles in the back. This sudden contact caused the ship to shudder violently. I stumbled trying to regain my footing and ended up colliding into something Or should I say someone.

I looked up to see that Spock had caught me from falling on my face with his right hand while his left hand held him upright on a nearby console. I felt a rush embarrassment from the stumble and a light pink showed on my cheeks. I noticed he smelt vaguely like mint toothpaste. I quickly snapped out of it and stood back up. Thankfully no one else noticed me accidently fall.

" Uh thanks" I said awkwardly as the crew scrambled to figure out how to get away. Spock dipped his head " You're welcome" He said stoically before walking away to help the mission control officer.

"Shields at thirty-two percent! Their weapons are powerful, Sir, we can't take another hit like that!" Sulu exclaimed as he stringed to maintain control of the ship's movements. " Get me Starfleet Command!" Pike ordered.

Spock turned back to him as he had been looking down at some proximity radar. " Captain, the Romulan ship has lowered some kind of high energy pulse device into the Vulcan atmosphere-- its signal appears to be blocking our communications and transporter abilities!" Spock explained and Pike nodded in compliance.

"All power to forward shields -- prepare to fire all weapons!" Pike commanded as he held strong just as any captain should. I admired that, I wanted to be like that when I became a captain.

A rain of green torpedoes bombarded the ship as I struggled to maintain my footing. The Enterprise weapons seemed to have little to no effect on the giant ship that still stood tall. As sleek and deadly as shark. We might end up join the rest of the Starfleet ships fate.

But suddenly the torpedo fire stopped "Sir! They are being hailed!" Uhura exclaimed and suddenly a man's face appeared on the main window. He had a broad face with tattoos running vertically up and down his face. The entire bridge went silent.

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