Part 2

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As it turned out, the guy who had stopped the fight was Christopher Pike. A captain in StarFleet and it just so happened he knew who my dad was. In fact they had been close. My father was always something of a distant memory in my mind. Not even that since I never met him.

This man had a friendly aura, the kind of aura that a father would exude. Something I was obviously not used to. Like I said before, my step father and I were never close to begin with. A part of that is my fault but he is also just an ass hole with nice cars.

" You know I almost didn't believe the bartender when he told me who you were?" Pike began and I held a ice to my face as well as bloody tissues. My face was sore from the fight as now the adrenaline was gone but the injuries were avidly there. And boy could those Sulzarions hit hard for only having four fingers on each hand.

" And who exactly am I then sir?" I asked rubbing the ice over my cheek. I had been spoken to by quite a few starfleet members and each told me my father was a hero. I knew that and admired him for it. But I never was really sure if I was to follow his footsteps. I liked the thought of exploring space. It was the final frontier and all but was it the right place for me?

" Your father's daughter" Pike said with a smile looking at me with his blue eyes. "For my dissertation, I was assigned the U.S.S. Kelvin. Something I admired about your dad... he didn't believe in no-win scenarios" Pike explained and I nodded looking down.

" Well he learned his lesson" I noted grabbing a new tissue for my nose that felt like it had been kicked in by a horse. Pike shrugged " Depends on how you define winning. You're here, aren't you?" Pike said. My father had saved my life and my mothers. I didn't say anything in reply as he looked at me warmly.

"That instinct to leap without looking-- that was his nature, too. And in my opinion it's something Starfleet has lost. We're admirable, respectable. But overly-disciplined" Pike continued and I snorted. Overly displayed was the last thing I was. Where was this guy exactly going with this?

"Those cadets you took on, they'll make competent officers -- but you can bet your ass they'll run home to momma the minute they're looking down the barrel of a Klingon phaser cannon" Pike said and then paused for a second. " Why are you talking to me about this?" I asked moving my ice to underneath my left eye. I crossed my legs underneath the table analyzing his facial features and body language. All of which were sincere and honest.

"I looked up your file while you were drooling on the floor. Your aptitude tests were off the charts-- what is it, d'you like being the only Genius Level repeat-offender in the midwest?" Pike asked and this caused me to grin. Genius level? Maybe a bit of a stretch but I had finished in like the top 5 percent of my class. But an office job never would have worked out for me.

" Maybe I like it that way" I replied with a shrug absently. No one had really ever asked me that before, gotten that deep. "So your daddy dies... you can settle for a less-than-ordinary life" Pike began once more and then paused a beat. "Or do you feel like you're meant for something better? Something special?" Pike asked and I didn't meet his gaze that time. I thought deeply on that one, was my life limited to bar fights and lazy afternoons? He really hit a nerve there and he knew it too.

However, I didn't let it show for long as I looked back up at him trying to play it off with a little smirk. " Come to think of it, I do want to feel special. You know what? I'm going to start a book clu- Enlist in Starfleet" Pike interjected and both my brows rose at this order. Starfleet?

" Enlist?. You must be way down on your recruiting quota for the month" I said chuckling as I set down my tissues now that my nose had stopped seeping blood. "If you're half of what your father was, Jailee, Starfleet could use you. You could be an officer in four years, have your own ship in eight" Pike enticed. My own ship? Now that really was something special. I looked at him as he knew he had long past peaked my interest.

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