the sound of your combat boots is like music to my ears

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tyler is an endlessly deep inmate.
josh is the mysterious guard with the laugh that gives tyler chills.

words: 565


tyler's mind is a cloud.

it is endless like a void, but it is more foggy than he cares to think about.

the concrete floor of his cell is cold, but it feels good under his skin.

his tattoos; they itch. they remind him of a time where he was free to enjoy the languid warmth of the sun on his skin.

it is a secret he is no longer privy to.

he hates his cell. it is his prison, physically and mentally in every term of the word.

someone bangs loudly on the bars of his cell. it reverberates shrilly through the air.

"lunch time."

a new voice says.

tyler's head jolts up.

a different figure stands at the front of his cell, his shadow casting across the little room.

his hair is a shock of yellow,

tyler barely remembers that color.

the man smirks a little, and his laugh is harsh and cold but it sends chills down tyler's back.

"take a picture, it'll last longer."

tyler's lunch is tasteless.

he pokes at it idly with a plastic fork. it squeaks as he drags it over the tray.

heavy footsteps approach him.

"now now, sweetheart. what's gotcha down?"

he shivers.

this time his laugh is a little softer, but just as icy cold.

"nothing." he responds harshly. it doesn't affect the guard at all, who merely smiles.

"that fork is screaming otherwise."

he sits down at the table next to him, resting his head on his chin with a blinding smile.

"so, what did a pretty face like you do to end up in a place like this?"

tyler's voice is flat and emotionless.

"several accounts of first degree murder and arson, as well as breaking and entering."

to his credit, josh doesn't even flinch.

"that's all?" with another little smirk, he murmurs, low and smooth,

"and i would've thought those cute little brown eyes of yours would've gotten you out of here in no time."

the sound of his combat boots clicking on the floor as he walks away haunts tyler for the rest of the day.

tyler finds out that his name is josh.

some of the inmates speak of him with an undernote of fondness. josh likes to bring the good inmates new books and pencils and paper.

others speak of him with fear.

they talk about his laugh that freezes hearts and the eyes that burn thoughts.

tyler doesn't speak of him at all.

one day, josh tosses something on his cot, through the bars of the cell while his cellmate is out showering. he stands outside the cell with legs crossed and an infuriating smirk that tyler has become accustomed to.

he moves to pick it up.

it's an mp3 player.

when tyler looks up to question josh, he's already gone.

the next time he sees josh, he's being held up by the throat at the hands of his cellmate.

josh's bright hair is thrown back, and tyler thinks that each second he lacks oxygen, the color fades a little more.

his sight fills with red as suddenly there are million voices in his head that are screaming, and when he tackles his cellmate and rips at him with his nails, he turns red too.

the last time he sees josh is when he's being led away to his death sentence.

his footstops are loud behind him, and he spins him around with a force.

he kisses him, with the force of a dying hurricane as it destroys everything around it.

josh's hair reminds him of sunshine.

sunshine he'll never see again.

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