i drown my dreams in gasoline but all you care about is the flame

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tyler has a strange fascination with gasoline and josh hates being cold.

"he rapidly focuses his eyes onto an unmoving silhouette that stands stiff in front of what seems to be a burning tire.
tyler grabs two water bottles from the many sitting in the backseat and exits the car.

josh watches the flame with holy worship, fascination staining his eyelids and the tell tale gasoline can thrown carelessly to the side."

words: 2,335


tyler's hands struggle to carefully cap the plastic bottle of gas. he twists it on tightly, flipping the bottle from one side to the other, and then tosses it in the trunk with 3 other similarly filled bottles.

he slams it closed and breathes in the polluted air with satisfaction, smelling dead cigarettes and gas soaked hands.

he wipes his hands on his black jeans and jerks the driver's seat open, dropping into the torn, cheap leather seat.

it's cold inside, and the chill radiates off every part of the car and the windows fog up.

tyler draws a noose, and next to it, a lightbulb.

he shuts the door firmly with a soft sigh and turns his keys in the ignition and the car wakes, rumbling to life with sleepy eyes.

the headlights shine boringly and cast ominous light in front of him.

he ignores it and the cold steering wheel as he steps on the gas and pulls smoothly away from the empty gas station.

away he goes, as a mass produced radio host cheerfully advertises a mattress brand and the chill begins to seep through his worn jeans and thin shirt.

tyler likes to play a game with himself when he drives.

he unfocuses his eyes as much as he can, until he's staring out of the windshield and into the middle distance with a heavy gaze.

he watches the traffic lights blur and tries not to hit somebody with his car.

it's a simple and pointless game, but tyler is easily entertained.

as he pulls to the right into their grassy suburban neighbourhood, he sees red flickering in the corner of his blurred sight.

he rapidly focuses his eyes onto an unmoving silhouette that stands stiff in front of what seems to be a burning tire.

tyler grabs two water bottles from the many sitting in the backseat and exits the car.

josh watches the flame with holy worship, fascination staining his eyelids and the tell tale gasoline can thrown carelessly to the side.

"josh, sweetheart,"

josh jerks to attention with wide eyes, lips parting in surprise.

"i gotta put this fire out. i love you and i know you didn't have a great day, but i don't want anybody calling the police."

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