Chapter 4: Shopping

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Sorry it took forever! I've had lots of tests and other shiz.. I also was stuck in the hospital for 4 hours this week with my sister, Emily, who broke her wrist. Again. I'm super tired, so I'ma update this and then got to sleep. Ok? Ok.

Song: Paradise by Coldplay...just for the elephant on a unicycle!!!

Vote, comment, fan! Vote for the elephant!!! :D



Chapter 4: Shopping!

I was pulled out of my dream and opened my eyes to see Louis jumping all over my bed. I sat up and grabbed him legs, pulling him down.

"What. Do. You. Want?" I asked through clenched teeth. He should know better than to wake me up.

"We're out of food," he whined. "Niall ate it all." I rolled my eyes, but then the worst-case scenario crossed my mind.

"Even the Fruit Loops?" Those were mine, no-one was allowed to touch them. At all. He nodded, the ran out. He could probably see the anger in my eyes. I got up, throwing the covers out of the way. I stormed down stairs. Walking down the hallway, Gabs' door was open, signaling that she had already gone to her high school. I got to the stairs and decided to have fun. I slid down the banister, since we have a spiral staircase.

"Wee!" I screamed. I neared the bottom, and Niall was standing right there. Perfect. I slowed myself down, and somehow managed to stand on the banister. I jumped, landed and clinging onto his back.

"Ahh! Get it off of me! HELP!" He screamed, while running around, trying to get me off. He finally gave up, running to the couch, flopping on his back. And on top of me. I could hear the boys laughing, and Liam yelling at Niall to get off of me. I could hear Summer too, she was laughing with the boys.

"Help! Can't breathe!" I tried pushing Niall off, and he did. He saw it was me, and looked terrified.

"Oops. Sorry?" It came out as a question instead of a true apology. I ignored him, and went to the kitchen, stepping on what I think was Harry laughing on the floor.

I decided to see what we needed. I grabbed my iPad off the counter, and opening a new note.

"Let's see..." I trailed off, talking to myself. We almost literally needed everything. The only thing we had was orange juice. I typed everything, and sent it to the printer.

"Hey boys and Summer...looks like we're going to the store today!" They all cheered, making me laugh. I checked the time. 9:37.

"Okay, we'll leave at 10. Wait...we need a bigger car...crap!"

"I'll call Paul," Louis offered, and went to make the call. He came back a few moments later.

"He'll bring the car over, and then we can go." I nodded, and ordered everyone to get ready. They sulked off, and I ran upstairs to change. I ran to my bathroom, and looked in the mirror. Is that me? It looked like it stepped out of a horror hair was sticking out in weird places. I quickly got dressed, into a simple white t-shirt and pink jeans.  I threw a blue plaid button-up shirt, but left it unbuttoned. I grabbed my converse, wallet, iPod, and purse. I ran back downstairs, to grab the paper with what we needed on it. I fold it up, so I wouldn't lose it. The boys came out, Summer on Louis' shoulders. They were all wearing hoodies and had hats and sunglasses on.  I gave them a glare and Summer got down. I don't mind her having fun, but I don't want her to get hurt. She's the closest thing, besides Gabs, that I have to family. Gabs is barely home and I practically raised Summer.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Harry. Literally, he lifted me and threw me over his shoulder.

"Styles! Put me down!" I yelled, and much to my annoyance, he didn't. We left the hotel room and and made our way to the elevator. I started kicking. After kicking him in the face and many threats, he put me down. I ran over to Liam and hid behind him. He turned around and patted me on the head.

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