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I walk into the house, holding my left arm.
"Good morning sleepy head, I made pancakes."
"Okay, thanks mum."
Her back is still turned to me as I walk into the living room, and then up the stairs.
I lock my bedroom door and hold out my arm to examine it more.
The color of blood has stained my entire arm.
Dried blood is manifested around the letters along with the layers of skin that have been cut open.
"Jesus Christ."
I open my medicine drawer and pull out a wrap bandage. I take Neosporin and rub it all over the my arm and then wrap the bandage around it.
My laptop goes off with Calum's contact with FaceTime audio along with it.
I sit down and accept it.
"Hey- woah woah."
He covers his eyes and I remember I never put a shirt back on.
I reach onto my floor and slip on the first thing I found.
"Okay you can look now."
"how are you doing?"
I rub my bandaged arm and sigh.
"Good, I guess, you?"
He shakes his head.
"Y/N I wasn't even as close to him as you were and I'm a fucking wreck."
I nod and keep rubbing my arm.
"What the hell is that?"
"My face?"
"A little below that."
"My boobs?"
"It's not what you think."
"Then what is it?"
"Morty scratched me."
"Oh okay, and I'm fucking Michael, show me what's under that bandage."
I begin to unwrap it, slowly.
"He's talking to me."
I take it completely off.
"In, in the water I can hear his voice, but it's not him or not the old him."
Luke is still engraved into me as I show it to Calum.
"Jesus Christ, I'm coming over."
"No please don't."
The call ended.

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