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"Your nose is redder than Rudolph's."
He scrunched up his face and stuck his tongue out at me. I continued to spread the coconut scented sunscreen on my arms. He sighed and leaned back on his arms.
"This is a gorgeous view"
"Yeah until the storm comes."
I put the cap back on the sunscreen and put it in my bag.
"Why must you ruin everything with your sourness?"
"Since when did you become so poetic?"
I wrapped my arms around my legs and felt the chilling breeze hit my bare spots.
"I got a 98 on that English final so fuck you y/n. I'll be as poetic as I want to."
I chuckled as thunder boomed from out in the sea, the massive dark cloud grew closer.
"We should go before it gets bad."
Rain started to fall and I watched as he got up. His arms hooked under my armpits and he dragged me to my feet.
"Let's go, I don't want you to get struck by lightning."

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