Chapter 4

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The Lunch

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

I sat in Roadhouse Grill waiting patiently for him to arrive. My palms were really sweating and I was extremely anxious to see his face. I made sure I was 5 minutes early to prepare myself for what was gonna happen, usually my anxiousness makes me early. I should have just checked to see who it was in the first place and maybe I would not be in this situation. Even though Eli said he was cute didn't mean her judgment was accurate.

"Aiden?" I heard his deep voice call me, sending chills down my back. Turning around I was met with those gorgeous mesmerizing blue green eyes again. Suddenly everything clicked and I now had a face to put to my memories.


"Wait, How do you know my name." He stared at me closely.

"You don't remember me from the coffee shop. I was your waiter. You gave me the fifty dollar bill for the coffee that was only a dollar. You also told me to keep the change.. You were with-" He stopped me mid-sentence by lifting his hand, which I was thankful for because I realized how embarrassing what I was saying was. The way he was staring at me only increased the sweat coming from my palms. He was just so attractive and way out of my league.

"I remember how you were the cute little waitress that stared and drooled over me." He said taking a seat across from me. Well their goes my mood, apparently he was cocky.

"I did not drool. I was just trying to come with the terms on how ugly you were." I said, in denial, my inner voice screamed.

"Why did you leave leave without a goodbye?" He asked, choosing to ignore my comment. The stare that he was giving me made me feel as if he could see into my soul. Made me feel somewhat intimidated, but I held my ground and kept our eye contact going.

"I already told you." I said not wanting to repeat myself. "Plus why did you take so long to return my phone?"

"I already told you. I had a business issue to fix back in London and also it was thanksgiving."

"Well now that this has been cleared. May I have my phone back." I said, I wasn't questioning I was demanding, but in a friendly matter. I held my hand out waiting for him.

"Not so fast, love. Let's order, I'm starving." He said picking up his menu and ignoring my hand, which was stilling open and waiting. "And fyi get a lock on this phone. I would hate for everyone to see your cute and sexy selfies. My favorite was the one of you in the mustard color bathing suit you wore at the beach in June." He winked while I glared back at him. "What, love? You aren't hungry?"

"You're paying, you creep. And you should learn to respect others privacy." I snatched the menu he had out of his hand. I planned to buy the most expensive thing on this menu. Scanning the menu I realized all this shit sounded disgusting so I had no choice but to order the steak, which was only twelve dollars.

Sawyer called the waiter over. "Are you two ready to order?" She asked pulling out a mini tablet.

"I will get the grilled lamb, with a side of asparagus, and potatoes. What are you getting, my love." He said with a teasing smile. Bastard..

"I will get the grilled sirloin steak medium rare with mushrooms on top, with a side of curly fries, instead of potatoes, and for my other side I will take some eggs, sunny side up." I could feel his eyes staring at me as I ordered. I wish I could smack that smirk off his face.

"Okay and for drinks or appetizers?" She asked after typing down our orders.

"Oh! Fried onions please with a side of ranch dressing for the sauce. And.. some spinach dip and chips. For my drink I will take a pink lemonade." I said closing my menu and handing it to her. If I can't order an expensive dish then I will just order extra.

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