Chapter 2

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The Stand

Saturday, November 2,2016

Waking up to the sun shining in your face can really make a person hate mornings. It was supposed to be winter, why is the sun out? Groaning aloud I slowly got out of bed. Today I am free to do whatever I want and today I am going to do my Saturday cleaning and get ready to jog around Central Park. I loved days like this where I could just do nothing and relax or do things I actually enjoy. I mean I loved working at Lola's, but somedays it could be a hassle.

Heading over to my conjoined bathroom that I shared with my best friend/dorm mate, Eli, I quickly hopped in the shower. These dorm rooms at NYU were fancy, they were basically small little apartments that you shared with the person of your choice. I loved it compared to your typical share a small room with someone, then have bathroom and kitchen are located elsewhere in the dorm buildings.

Wrapping myself up in a towel I headed back to my room to get dress. Closing the door I quickly lotion myself in my Shea Moisture African Black Soap Body Lotion. This lotion does wonders, it heals most of your scars and prevents breakouts. Plus it helps me the most during winter because my skin always drys out and I had to keep it moisturized if I didn't want to experience the pain of my skin cracking. Now that shit hurts. Putting on my undergarments I walked to my closet to get my workout tights and NYU Track workout hoodie. Just because the sun was shining didn't mean that it was hot.

After getting dressed I grabbed my phone and my wireless headphones that came as a package deal when you did a sport. Its called athlete benefits. I have been doing track since middle school. I hated running, but hurdles always made the experience not so bad. Plus running helps me stay somewhat skinny because I sure in the hell didn't eat properly. I don't wanna end up being on that show my 600lbs life. Walking outside I headed in my usual route.


I jogged for about thirty minutes before deciding I would walk the rest of the way to Lola's café. I was in the mood for my usual cup of joe and scone. The bell dinged as I walked in to see the shop packed with customers. Thank God I did not work today. "Hey, Rach. Can I get my usual?" I said handing her a five dollar bill. Racheal was another one of Lola's employee's. She only worked Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. Plus I knew her because my creative writing class. We were both Majoring in English to become writers.

"Here you go. See you Monday." She handed me my coffee and scone. "Hey wait, Aiden." I turned around, "Are you busy tonight?" She asked.

"No I don't have anything planned. Why?" Finals had already passed and we were in our first week of break, so I had a lot of free time.

"Good Lola, Steven and I thought we could have a night out to celebrate getting through another semester of school and just to enjoy ourselves, you know? We want you and Eli to tag along with us. Plus I don't wanna be the third wheel." She said which caused me to laugh.

"Uh, yeah I haven't been out in a while and what a good way to start break off with some hard core shots." I joked. "What time?"

"Ha, I was thinking around 8 o'clock. Sound good to you?"

"Yeah that's good. I will see you then" I smiled.

"Great see you tonight then." She said as she headed back to work.

Exiting the café I walked back home. Maybe I could spend the rest of my day sketching at Central Park. That'll get me back into the flow of sketching again. School and work has been taking over my life lately and now track was gonna start next semester which would take more of my time.

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