Chapter 3

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The Call

Monday, December 5, 2016

It had been about a month since my wild sex escape. Turns out I did have multiple hickies all over my body. I still couldn't remember much from that night other than the feeling of his lips kissing and licking my neck and body and the feeling of his touch, but his face still remained a blur. It was just a blurry pale figure that always popped up when I thought about that night, but whoever it was I want to thank for the best night ever.

Today was a typical Monday, which meant it was packed with people due to them wanting to fuel their brain before the week begun. It felt like rush hour when the doors opened up. Everyone requesting multiple drinks at once and not that many people work at Lola's, at least three people work each day. It usually wasn't that difficult for us, but some days it was too much for just three so we would have to call in extras or just handle it head on.

"How can I help you?" I said to a tall women in a pretty lavender dress.

"Can I get a medium mocha frap." She asked politely, her eyes still scanning the menu as if she wanted to order more.

Typing in her order, " Will that be all?" I asked. She nodded her head yes, giving up on whatever she was tempted to add to her order. "That'll be $4.45." She handed me a 5 dollar bill. I typed in the code to the register to return her change. "Have a nice day." I said handing her her 55 cents. Going over to the machine I quickly began making her drink. I was glad she was the only customer in line because that meant I could go on my 10 minute break soon. "Here you go." I placed her straw and drink on the counter.

I walked to the back to set my apron down, but not before grabbing my scone and coffee, as usual. Steven will cover for me while I'm on break. "Hey. loser." I heard Eli say as I took a seat in my usual spot.

"What are you doing here? I thought you had a meeting to go to?" She was a temporary intern at a business firm downtown. They were kindly enough to pay her, it was just to help give her more experience in her major, business.

"It was cancelled. What's wrong?" She asked noticing my face frown up as I took a bite of my scone. It tasted weird, which was strange because it was the same scone I got every day, vanilla bean.

"I don't know it just taste strange." I handed it to her not wanting it anymore, to which she gladly accepted. I watched her as she took a bite to see if she could taste it as well, but she seemed fine as she gobbled the whole thing up in two bites. Lola's scone were pretty big, but then again Eli was very greedy.

"It taste fine." She said with a mouth full of scone.

"I can see." I turned my face up as she open her mouth wide saying that I like sea food. Shaking my head I finish off my coffee before my break was up.

"So-" The sound of the phone ringing cut her off. "Hold on." Getting up I picked up the phone. "Lola's café, how can I help?"

"Hi I'm looking for an Aiden." The person on the other end replied. How did they know my name and why did they sound so familiar?

"This is she." I said starting to feel my heart beat pick up. I don't know why, but still to this day I still become nervous around people, even on the phone.

"Good you left your phone at my condo a couple of weeks ago. I have been meaning to call, but I have been busy at work."

"Oh.. Uh thank you. Sorry for leaving it." I said unsure on what to say. I'm surprised they were willing to return it.

"No I'm glad you left it because I would not have been able to call you right now to meet up with you tomorrow. Thought I wouldn't be able to find you again. You left without a note or a goodbye."

"I thought that's what one night stands did." I said, how the hell was I supposed to know you leave love notes? I learned from Buzzfeed that you just needed to get the hell out.

I heard him chuckle into the receiver making my heart skip a beat, it sounded so deep and rich. "How about you meet me tomorrow and I'll give it back to you." He said.

"Uh yeah where? Time?" I said a little to quickly, sounding desperate.

"At Roadhouse Grill at twelve. We could grab a bite as well. Does that fit your schedule, hit and run?" He laughed, thinking his lame joke was funny.

"Haha." I said sarcastically. "But yes I will meet you." I said and hung up.

"Who was that?" Eli said. I had completely forgot she was here and that I was on my break, which was probably over.

"My one night stand." I said hoping she would remember so I didn't have to explain myself.

"Oh my.. Mr. Hit it Right." She said with a smirk, I wanted to smack right off of her. "What did he want? And how did he know where you worked?"

"Dang slow down! He just wanted to return my cell phone." I said leaving out the part where I was meeting him tomorrow. "I have to get back to work now so scrabble before I beat you." I rushed back.


Sorry for such a short chapter, but I hope you guys are still enjoying the story. I promise you it will get better. See you guys next week, love y'all and thank you for your support!!

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