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The sound of my mother and father shouting made my tears come down harder. They were never a happy couple. They always yelled and fought. A twelve year old girl shouldn't have to listen and fear that one day someone will get hurt. My father was probably drunk again or he realized my mother was stealing. Nothing was safe in this house.

"You crazy bitch!" I heard my father shout, as a loud shattering sound followed through. "Your a little manipulative whore that is no good to this family! You're just lazy. Never willing to earn you own money!" He screamed as more things hit the floor or was that the wall. As they argued I laid under my bed and cried.

"Oh please Brandon! I know you are sleeping with that bitch from the super market. I saw her messages to you!" She screamed. He cheated... Nothing but silence followed after her statement. I get this family was corrupted and broken, but why break it even more? I wish they would just file for a divorce or I just wish I wasn't born. Ever since my grandmother died my life has gone to the shits. She was my rock when situations like this would occur, she always protected me from this, but now I have to sit here in the middle of my chaotic twelve year old life. I thought twelve year olds were supposed to have fun and make childish mistakes. I thought I would have family nights and when I fell they would be there to pick me up, but no.. Fun is fear, I have no time for mistakes because that can lead to more trouble at home, my family nights are nights like this where I listen to them bicker and throw things while I lay under my bed and cry 'til I fall asleep or until I can't feel a thing, and when I fall.. no one will pick me up but myself because my parents are too focused on themselves that they forgot about me.

But as I got older I developed hard layers of pain and anger. I had so many walls built up Trump would pay me to stand at the border between Mexico and America. Even though my parents never supported me in a situation they helped me strive to get the hell out of there and be on my own. I ended finishing high school and earning a full ride academic scholarship to NYU. My intelligence is what got me away from my shitty life and into a less shittier one.

And now here I am in New York City finding myself and trying to better myself, so I can make myself proud and say that I did it. But if I would have known that in order for me to say I did it, I would have to go through something so terrible and hard, I would have told myself to be prepared and trust no one.

Every happiness though has a price to pay and my price was way to expensive for my budget.

Thank you all for reading. I am excited to be writing this book. Hope you all enjoy. Please comment and vote. 😘

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