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By now she was on the floor crying and cussing me out. I told her not to speak out of her ass.. Shame. She couldn't answer a simple question of "why did you plot what you did" instead she wanted to act all bold and talk some shit with me. Girl got me messed up if she thinks Ima let her off easy.. She would've been dead right now if I didn't intend on her and Chris meeting. I wonder what Mel was doing.. She hasn't came out in an hour. Shrugging I continue my interrogation.. It took all strength in my body not to come up to her and knock her head off of her shoulders.

Me: "bitch I wanted this to be an easy ass conversation but you keep playing games with me. Answer my questions when i ask them.. Answer then straight up don't sugar coat don't beat around the bush. Answer them 100% honestly and don't think about lying because I know the truth. I need to hear it from your ass"

Kae: "my ass can't talk" *smirks*

Me: "what ass?"

I walked over and pulled her up by her arm and got real close to her face.

Me: "don't make me do to you what you are making everyone seem that Chris did to you"

She scoffed and yanked her arm out of my grip, sitting on the couch there was a pause. Until it was broken by a small and low squeaky voice..

Kae: "you wanna know why I really go by Alice Tran instead of my real name huh.. Sit down. No funny business I promise I'll be serious"

Sitting down on the couch I was fully alert, I knew she would try something.

Kae: "well it all started a year before I began actually dating Chris... I was trying to become a model... So I moved from inglewood to Hollywood.. At the time I had a friend named sinko who was also very close to Chris. Once I had fully moved in, he wanted to celebrate by taking me to the club. At the club I was introduced to Chris for the first time. Now I had known a little about him through sinko, I knew he was Rich, that he knew everyone there is to know, I knew he was fine as hell and that he was famous without being famous. I never intended on doing what I did from the beginning. But after being introduced to him I saw how interested he was in me. But not like I wanna fuck you then leave nah this was some real life like.. Love type attraction. So I knew I could get something out of him. That night before leaving Chris had gotten my number. Then it happened from there. Chris kept calling and calling me, we hung out, got to know each other. At the end of that year he asked me out. That's about when I knew my plan would work. He moved me in with him. He let me use his money, his cards, his cars, he bought me everything that you can think of and more. He did everything.. I mean like.. EVERYTHING. Like he Wasted so much money on me" *chuckles*

I clenched my jaw.

Kae: "anyways, eventually he began showing me to his famous friends and stuff, my name was getting around thankfully. Might I mention Chris was the most gullible fucker I've ever met. A sweet guy who cares entirely too much. A big heart. So I had him wrapped around my finger. Anything I said was done. Anything I wanted.. Was given. Um, about 6 months into dating Chris told me he loved me. With a cute little trip to Hawaii or whatever. It was cute. But I knew just then that everything was going according to plan. I was already talking to a modeling agency outside of the U.S.. So it was great and by now I had met Christina. She was in full affect of that plan especially since she was also Close to Chris. Anyways. Throughout our relationship you know I'd sleep with other men. Other famous men too.. To help me. I had a whole other affair with this basketball player for a year .. Oh how I miss that d.. Anyways. Chris' dumbass never knew he was so naive. *smirk* time passes by. Around chris' birthday time I had gotten word that my modeling gigs were taking off and I was about to real life become something overseas. So I had to think of something quick on how I was going to dump Chris since I didn't need him anymore. So the day of his birthday I went to have sex with one of his homies. I left him alone on his birthday. He needed to hurt. He had to-"


Kae: "calm yo tits before I change my mind and not finish this story. Anyways I come back the next day and make some bs ass excuse of work running late. Knowing damn well I had no job. I lived off of Chris. Anyways one thing led to another and Chris broke up with me. Easy. I cannot tell you how happily I skipped out of his house. I went straight to my main man sinko. Um a few weeks later I had realized I needed a few grand to get me started off overseas. I knew Chris was hurt and that he would be looking for any opportunity to take me back. I mean look at me who wouldn't. So I went back and told him I needed him. But he wouldn't budge. Like what. Um one thing led to arguing and screaming next thing you know I trashed his whole house and was beating him up. I paused once I saw his eyes go from like a milk chocolate brown.. To a sudden pitch black. Like a demon just came into his body for a split second. Before I knew it I was standing with his fist so close to my face that I could feel the heat radiating off of his knuckles. Once he snapped out of it..I saw him breaking down as he screamed and told me to leave. Taking his word I ran. I ran as fast as I could as far away as I could get. Getting a glimpse of his completely wrecked house, and him crying on the floor..before I left..anyways going home that night I realized that as I was yelling, I had told him that it was my plan all along to use him. And I hadn't realized that I had said it til I got home. Frustrated and mad I knew I needed to get rid of him for good. One way or the other. So I waited a few weeks and had sinko get some goons to kill him. One thing I had forgotten was how Chris knows how to fight. He may be skinny as hell but that boy can fight and move fast as fuck. So sure enough Chris had beated all of them up.. No hesitation. I needed to make him pay for almost hitting me. And for not taking me back. So sure enough I made a new plan with Christina. It was time for me to leave. So Christina went to the rehab place I found for the mentally Ill and druggies and told them about him. How he is a crackhead drug abuser.. Who also is a violent abuser in real life who had beaten his ex karrueche Tran to death and hid her body in some random area that no one knows about. She told them that he was a psycho, mentally unstable maniac. And they believed it obviously. Next day they came and took him away, right after that I ran in and grabbed whatever cash he had laying Around then caught my flight."

She finished with a grin.

Kae: "my plan worked great because now I'm transferring to New York. I'll be walking for great brands. Oh and that's why I changed my name..to Alice. Because Kae is dead"

When I tell y'all it took every nerve in my body right now not to get up and beat her to death I mean it took EVERY NERVE.

Me: "g..."

To be continued sorry if it's boring :(  ^ ignore any errors I just wanted to update for y'all

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