Chapter 17: Complications Continue

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i just got back orientation and it was lit, i'm officially a college student. 

p.s. the smut will return when the time is right, hang in there folks


My first impression of Valerie was five years ago in my freshman gym class. I had excruciating cramps on the day we were supposed to run a mile on the track and she was kind enough to keep me company. She was one of the few people able to make me laugh while my uterus tried to kill me.

She still had braces then and wild, curly blonde hair. You couldn't tell she was half-Cuban just by looking at her.

After that, we were practically attached to the hip. There are very few high school milestones I can recall that didn't include Valerie. She was there for me through the best and worst of high school and I provided the same support to her.

The most significant show of support being when I came out as bisexual. I wasn't out to my family, of course, but once I figured it out, I knew I had to tell someone. Valerie was my top choice and she was so incredibly happy for me that she came out as lesbian that same day.

I'm going to be completely candid here. There was a point in time where I considered my attraction to Val. Once I came out, I attempted to look at her in a different light, but just couldn't find it in me. I had no sexual or romantic interest in my best friend and didn't see that changing, ever.

Over the years, my sexuality has evolved to pansexuality as I found myself attracted to a variety of people, regardless of sex or gender. If the vibe was right, I either wanted to fuck you, date you, or both.

Now, here I was, five years later, standing before the tear streaked face of my best friend who had just confessed her love to me. I was absolutely speechless. There's no Buzzfeed article for what to do in such a situation.

"Why do you think I went to the same college as you?" Valerie began choking out an explanation. "And requested you as my roommate? And never dated anyone since we got here? I was head over heels for you like some lovesick puppy, but was too afraid to tell you. I didn't want to ruin our friendship,"

"I . . . but why now? What changed between us?" I asked.

Valerie shook her head and wiped away a few tears while she blinked rapidly to keep them from ruining her impeccable makeup. "I can't explain it. I just started noticing how beautiful and kind you were, how you were the only person who could make me laugh through some of the toughest situations of my life,"

She sat down in the nearest chair and broke out into a full sob. "That's why I can't let him take you. What would I do without you?!" she cried, pointing as harsh finger at Vitaly.

I took a seat beside her and gently rubbed her back to console her. Vitaly and I exchanged looks. Where the fuck do we go from here?

When Val finally stopped crying, Vitaly cleared his throat and spoke up.

"I had a room in the hotel above us that you may borrow to sort out your feelings, Daisy. Take all the time you need and contact me when you have made your decision," And with that, he walked out of the private dining area and was gone before I could catch up with him. What did he mean by that?

Val must've seen the look of confusion on my face. "He's giving you a choice," she croaked out.

"Now he decides to give my options. Asshole." I plopped down in the seat beside her and cradled my chin in my hand. That was of course when Valerie decided to abruptly stand up.

"I'm going back to the dorm," She glanced down at me. "By myself. I need some time too,"

I stood up now too. Valerie's pumps gave her a 3-inch height advantage, but that didn't intimidate me.

"You can't avoid me forever, Val, and neither can Vitaly since he'll be needing some of my blood soon. We need to talk about this,"

"Fine," she begrudgingly agreed. "Let's do it over lunch tomorrow,"

I smiled for the first time since we got here. "Perfect," Valerie's body stiffened for a moment as I pulled her into a hug, but it eventually relaxed. "Drive safe, I love you,"


After retrieving the key card for the room, I went straight to it and collapsed face down on the bed. The past two hours had been extremely emotionally exhausting and I needed a nap.

"Happy to see you're already in one of my favorite positions," came a voice from somewhere in the suite. It was a voice I knew very well.

"Vitaly, what the fuck?" was all I could manage in this state. I had plans to cry, eat junk food, and sleep forever and now here he was, ruining them. I didn't even bother opening my eyes when I felt him sit down beside me on the bed. I didn't have the energy to deal with him right now.

"I wanted to check up on you," He said as he rubbed my back. Sneaky bastard, using my weakness against me.

"I thought you said you would give me time?"

"That is true, but my dear Daisy, you know I can only go so long without your blood," His back rubbing moved a little further south.

I snorted. I should've known his "checking up on me" had ulterior motives. "If you ever want to drink from me again, you will get the fuck out of here before I kick you so hard in the balls that your future grandchildren will feel it,"

"Are you saying you're going to provide me with children?" I could hear the shit-eating grin in his voice.

"If you love me as much as you claim, you will respect my wishes and leave. Please,"

There was a pause and the back/booty rubbing stopped. I felt him rise out of bed and the door shut behind him. 

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