Chapter 2: Different Kind of Job Interview

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After two weeks of extensive research, I finally settled on a company named After Midnight. The website is what really caught my eye. It was sultry and red and black themed.
I contacted the head of company, Madame Rylee. Her voice was low and husky over the phone, my favorite combination on girls. We set up an appointment for an interview for this afternoon at four.
Now came the challenge of finding what to wear. Should I go slutty or professional? Casual or cool? All black or cute and pink like my little side?
It was an hour before the interview and I was surrounded by discarded choices, sweating off my makeup, and nearing a panic attack.
"Jesus Christ, is this an interview with the fucking president?" My roommate and best friend, Valerie, wise cracked from her bed.
"No, but it might as well be," I said as I dug under my bed for more clothes. Maybe I tossed a good shirt behind here ages ago, who knows.
"This job decides whether or not we'll be eating nothing ramen noodles for another semester,"
"Oh shit, this is serious," She gets out of bed and helps me through the clothes.
With only 30 minutes to spare, we finally decide on a fitted black blazer over a cotton tank top and loose fitting black slacks. I paired off the outfit with white pumps to match the hint of white from the tank top. Just because I'm going to be whore doesn't mean I have to dress up like one-yet.
"Now go and get that money, honey," Valerie teased a little. I never told her exactly what job I was applying for and didn't plan on it. Weeks of extensive research have shown that the key to success in this business, for me, is telling absolutely no one. My conservative, God fearing parents would literally disown if they found out what I was doing.
It took twenty minutes to get to the building. The red brick and glass structure looked so nondescript, I almost missed it.
After finding a good parking space, I sat in my car for a few minutes since I was early and took several deep breathes. You can do this, Daisy. Remember, you'll get to explore sex and make money through this. You are not a bad person.
Five minutes before the scheduled interview I headed into the building. It was more elegant than I thought. After Midnight was written in elegant script on the glass door with only the contact number underneath it. They were open 24 hours of course.
A black woman with enviously smooth skin and golden extension braids was typing away quickly at her keyboard in the receptionist desk area. I felt comforted already to see another woman of color here.
She saw me approaching and gave me a scalding once over. I tugged at the bottom of my blazer nervously.
"Good afternoon, I'm Daisy Holden. I'm here for my  four o'clock interview,"
She typed some more. "Ah, yes, here you are. Have you done sex work before or are you a compete newbie?" She pried.
"I'm a newbie and I'm eager to learn-and earn-as much as I can while employed here," I answered.
She simply nodded. I followed her through the hallway. I admire the marble floors and wood paneling of the building as we walk. I've always had a appreciation for interior design.
We finally came to a stop in front of a heavy glass door with Madame Rylee's name in the same golden script on the front door. The receptionist knocked lightly.
"Come in," said a voice I recognized from the phone.
She opened the door to reveal a bright yellow room with large windows that allowed the excessive amounts of Florida sunshine to pour in.
The beauty of the woman before was difficult to explain. She was a lot taller than my five foot four inches with legs that went on for miles under her chic khaki shorts. Her fiery red hair was tied into a sleek point tail and cute cat eye glasses were perched upon her head. She broke out into a gorgeous smile when she saw me. I had an instant crush on her.
"Hallo darling, so happy you could make it," She greeted.
"Me too. I'm very excited to get started,"
"Gina, could you get us some light eats and water, please?"
"Yes ma'am," Gina answered quickly.
"Thank you so much dear," Madame Rylee got comfortable in her white swivel chair behind her white marble desk. Everything about the office was very minimalist and simple. I liked it.
The interview proceeded with questions about why I wanted to get into the industry, what my thoughts were about it, and how I intend to excel at her company because "Madame Rylee has only the best girls employed for her."
Gina brought in some cookies and water and I tried to eat and drink as neatly as I could. 
"Well, it was great meeting you Daisy-such an adorable name!" She gushed, for the third time. "I will see you again Monday at 1 to discuss your rates and payment,"
My jaw nearly scraped the floor at her words. I got the job! I'm going to be making thousands and won't have to graduate with a mountain of debt.
"I can't wait. See you then!" I enthusiastically shook her hand.
I walked out of that building feeling ecstatic and surprisingly, sexy as fuck. I got a job as an escort. Men were going to pay for my company and pleasure.
I couldn't wait to start.

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