Chapter 10: Hurts so Good

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short and sweet chapter, i'm a v busy gal


"Could you stop fucking giggling?" Vitaly growled in my ear.

"Sorry Daddy Vamp, I'm super ticklish there,"

Vitaly pulled away from me with a scowl on his beautiful face. He tightened his grip on my arms and pressed me further into the mattress. The way he was manhandling me was so arousing.

"I am not fond of this nickname you have bestowed upon me, Daisy. Within the bedroom, it is forbidden," His eyes were all glowy and dangerous looking again, so i didn't not push my luck and nodded in agreement.

"Use your words,"

"Yes, sir,"

"Good girl," Vitaly's face disappeared at my neck again to finally get this over with. I squirmed beneath him, nervous for what was to come.

"I am going to bite you now, love, and it may burn for a bit, but it will soon become very pleasurable for both of us," Vitaly explained.

He licked a spot on my neck for prep and a shiver ran down my spine. Next came the razor sharp fangs that hesitated for a bit before piercing into my flesh. The spot felt like a someone had but a hot curling iron on it. It burned like a motherfucker and was almost enough to make me push him off me, if I had the strength.

Thankfully, the pain didn't last long. It was followed by this amazing rush of pleasure, unlike any drug I've ever taken. We moaned in unison as we both felt the wave hit us. I never wanted it to end.

My body was completely limp by the time Vitaly had his fill. He retracted his blood stained fangs and licked the wound to help it heal quicker.

He grinned as he looked down at my immobile figure.

"You're drooling," He said.

I could only grunt in response. I didn't know how long it would be before my brain could actually form words again.

"I'll go get you a few things," Vitaly said as he rose from the bed. "You will feel very week for the next hour,"

I blinked at him to signal my understanding and buried deeper under the blanket beside me. I was out like a light.

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