Chapter 3: First Day of Hoeing

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"Because this is your first night working, I'm scheduling you to entertain at a party for some very frequent and very wealthy clients," Madame Rylee explained to me on her office. It was late on a Friday afternoon, the time of day when people were getting ready to party for the weekend. Instead, I was getting my first work assignment for an escorting service. It's amazing how much can change in just a few days.
"What do you mean by 'entertain'" I asked.
"You're not required to have sex with any of them, but you can charge them extra if they try anything," Madame frowned slightly. "They shouldn't though. They're my most well behaved clients, hence why I'm always sending them beginners. Dimitri hates me for it," she laughed a little at that.
"What am I supposed to do while there?" I pressed on. I'm such a submissive sometimes, I need to be told what to do all the damn time.
"Not much, just sit there, look cute, and no drinks or drugs whatsoever. My girls need to keep their wits about them and if someone reports back to me that you were engaged in either, you will be fired immediately. Do I make myself clear?" Her voice got even deeper and more dominant, making my heart pound a little. I still had a little crush on her and her slight domme display was very arousing.
"I completely understand Madame," I finally replied.
"Good. The party begins at eleven tomorrow night. Be here at ten thirty with hair and makeup done to review the rules,"
"Are there any other girls going?"
"Of course. I'm sending the boys ten girls, a mix of inexperienced ones like you and my more seasoned employees to give them a little break from their usual workload," Madame Rylee managed to tell me all this while rapidly typing out an email, eating part of her light snack of fresh fruit, and fiddling with other things on her computer. When I first observed her doing this, I thought it was rude that she couldn't take the time to pause and focus on me. I now realize that's just the way she is, she can't sit still for long and always has to have her hand manipulating something.
"And what to wear?" I knew my questions were getting annoying her when I say her jaw tick.
"Daisy, honey, there's a great thing called Google where you can search Escorting for Beginners and get in depth answers to all your little questions," Her tone was kind of condescending. For some reason, I liked this. Maybe it was the little side of me.
I laughed a little to rid of some of the awkwardness. "Duh, of course,"
I informed Valerie that I would be out for a long time Saturday evening. She got a little pissed when I couldn't give her a good reason why she couldn't come with me.
"What the fuck kind of job starts a shift at eleven? I know you Dai and you would never work somewhere that sketchy,"
I rolled my eyes at her. "There are plenty of decent restaurants that are open that late, don't be so dramatic," I said as I tried to put together an outfit. The googling helped a lot. I like to extensively research anything I do.
"Tell me one good reason I can't go," Valerie demanded. I was super annoyed at this point and just snapped.
"You are not my fucking child or Siamese twin, so I don't have to drag you everywhere I go. God, get a life outside of me for once Val,"
Her mouth formed a perfect O of surprise from my outburst. It quickly went from one of hurt to anger.
"Wait, that came out wr-"
"Fuck you Daisy. You knew I didn't want to come to this school, but you convinced me anyway because being roomies in college would be sooo great. Now I have no friends, all I ever do is study, and the one person I actually enjoy hanging out with thinks I'm a burden. Thank you so much for that!" She didn't even give me a chance to respond before she grabbed her bag and slammed the door shut behind her as she left.
I silently cursed myself. I can't believe I actually said that to the one person I can confide in.
Groaning in frustration, I angrily dug through my clothes one last time and finally settled on a a pale pink bralette with pastel blue high waisted shorts. I topped the outfit off with my pride and joy- 6 inch suede white Karla Givene stilettos that were sharp enough to kill a man and one wrong step could mean the end of your life.
"Oh, I could just eat you up! You really live up to that sweet name," Madame Rylee gushed when she saw me.
After the usual pleasantries, she led me upstairs to the roof.
"A helicopter will be arriving shortly to take you the Keys where our clients are waiting. The party will be very, what's that term you kids are using these days? 'Lowkey'" She gave a self-satisfied smile at her savvy. "So no pressure. Have fun! Andrea, Stella, and Jesse will be accompanying you,"
As if this were some sort of movie, all three girls walked onto the roof at that moment. They were each stunning in their own way. One was the type of tall, model like creature every girl envies. The other was more my height, but very curvy and a butt I would kill for. The one in the middle definitely deserved her spot there. She had platinum blonde waist length hair and the perfect blue eyes.
"Is this the newbie?" The Gazelle asked Madame Rylee. Okay, a little rude. I decided to just go ahead and introduce myself.
"Yes, I'm Daisy, this is my first event," I smiled warmly and she rutted the favor.
"I'm Andrea, the idiot blonde is Stella, and the girl that's thicker than a frozen cheesecake is Jesse," Andrea earned a swat on the arm from Stella for the "idiot blonde" comment.
The each gave me a quick once over and greeted me too.
"Alright girls, the helicopter will arrive shortly. I have some paperwork to finish in my office. Have fun and be safe!" Madame Rylee us a kiss as she left.
"So, what should I expect at this party?" I asked.
"This one is more laid back, so minimal drugs and booze and only one orgy," Stella answered casually.
"We do orgies too? How do we know if it's safe?"
"Madame Rylee doesn't book us with anyone unless they've had a recent check. Anything beyond that is your responsibility," Jesse explained.
I had so many questions, but the roar of the approaching helicopter drowned them out. The girls pulled up the hoods on their coats to project their hair. Good thing my pixie cut was low maintenance.
We climbed into the helicopter, strapped in, and spent the next 20 minutes snapchatting parts of the flight and each other. It was thrilling and fun.
When we touched down on the roof of the mansion, I followed the girls down into the house. I ha no idea what to do and planned to copy and follow them for the evening.
"We can change here. Vlad wants us ready by the pool," Stella instructed. She opened the door heavy wooden door to a room that was easily 5 times bigger than my dorm.
They all sat down on the bed, kicked off their heels, and began undressing.
I was shocked. Should I close my eyes and give them some privacy? Are they going to change into bathing suits soon? What was going on?
"I'm sorry, I forgot about you," Andrea said. "He wants us naked by the pool,"
I just stood there with my jaw ready to catch a few flies. I knew sexual activities came with the job, but did not expect to strut around naked so soon.
"You can keep your thong on is you want," Jesse said.
Now I was trying my best not to gawk at their perfectly toned naked bodies.
"O-okay," I sputtered. I slowly removed the bralette and slipped off the short. I folded them nearly and placed them on the dresser.
"Nice titties everyone. Now let's go make some money, honey!" Stella proclaimed.
Barefoot and naked save for my pink lace thong, I followed them out to the pool where a small group of shirtless men were lounging beside it. The six other girls Madame Rylee had set appeared to be either waiting on them hand and foot or pretending to interested in conversation with them.
As we got closer, I realized they were actually Greek gods who were carved from the tamest of marble and placed here to grace us with their presence. Each one was more mouth watering than the last. Now these are my kind of job benefits.
I was the last one to step into the patio area. My feet had barely touched the smooth rocks before I was suddenly shrouded in darkness.

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