chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Molly’s POV

I don’t know how long it has been since the hunters captured me but it feels like a million years. I live in a small cement cell with a dog bed and bowl. They thought that part was amusing. They drag me out for experiments and throw me back in when they are down. I had given up when they found me. I just want die and I can feel myself slowly going. I don’t have anyone to fight for and there is no one to harm. I know I am slowly dying and they do to. They try to heal me but it doesn’t work. The food they have to force down my throat I throw up later. I barely drink enough water besides the fact that it isn’t clean. I have infections in my body and loss of blood due to experiments. At best I’ll last another week in agony and then my body will shut down slowly and painfully. Whatever did I do to deserve this? And that’s just the physical pain. The mental pain is even more unbearable. I can’t even say his name anymore. I feel the crushing pain from him everyday. When ever he kisses or loves her. That pain is unbearable. I know no one is coming for me. I just wish I could say my goodbyes to my New York family, Trey and Anna.

Trent’s POV

Trent (on phone): Hi this Trent Collins is this Alpha Rusty?

Rusty: Yes, and I know who you are. Now why are you calling?

Trent: The hunters have captured Molly. Her mate my alpha plans on doing nothing. I need your help to save her.

Rusty: THAT BASTARD!!!!!! I’ll do anything to help. My best fighter will leave tonight.

Trent: Good and we need to hurry. She has been gone long.

Rusty: How long?

Trent: Close to three months.

Rusty: Leaving now!

I walked to my room and got into bed beside Anna. I love her to death. How could anyone reject their own mate? Ryan is such an idiot!

Rusty’s POV

Just hold on a little longer Molly. I’ll save you I promise. I might not have been there to fight for your mom and you but I’ll be there now. You are my family and family doesn’t let family get hurt. I looked out the plane window and thought of my Grace and my son. I promise to come back to you both in one piece.

-----------One week later-------

Rusty’s POV

We rescued Molly and killed every hunter in the building. Not many from my pack died but many were injured. Thankfully all will heal including Molly. When I first saw her I didn’t recognize her. She was whiter than a ghost and skin stuck to her bones. She was so thin and blood and infection covered her body. She is an induced coma but she is waking up today. As soon as she is okay she is coming back to New York. Her mate doesn’t deserve her and she deserves a better life with family. I am sitting by the bed holding her hand. The doctor said she could wake up any minute.  Ryan, Sam and Taylor along with Trent and Anna are in the room. But not him.

Molly’s POV

Please let me be dead when I open my eyes. That is all I want but I can tell I’m alive. I feel the pain coursing through my body. I slowly open my eyes and see the people I would call family. I scan quickly but I know he isn’t here. It’s like a slap in the face and a punch in the gut. I suck in a deep breath and let it out. It hurts to breathe. Why couldn’t the hunters just have killed me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2012 ⏰

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