chapter 3

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Elen'a POV

It has been a month since the attack and I have fully recovered. I am happy with my family all though Mark keeps contacting me. He calls my cell, emails me and writes letters. Today we have decided to go to the mall. All of us; Jake, Taylor, Sam, me, and Molly. It was the middle of the day when it happened the worst and best thing of my life.

Jake and the boys had decided to wait outside a store while Molly and I went in. When I came back out they were all staring at three girls and they were staring back. Mates!!! I was instantly happy for them and crushed by the thought of losing Jake.  But I would never split up mates so I did what I had to do. I walked over to the girls and introduced them to the boys. I told Jake’s mate that we weren’t together and he was just helping me and was a kind and caring person. He was the best uncle my daughter had. She felt better once she knew because I of course smelt like Jake. I grabbed the keys from the boys and left them their with their girls.

I held together the whole ride home but after I put Molly down for her nap I lost it. Rusty and his mate came in and talked to me. They helped me through and after the tears dried up I fell asleep.

I woke up knowing everything was going to change. First thing I did was throw open the windows to get rid of my smell. I put new sheets on the bed and moved all of my things out. It was about noon when I finished unpacking all my things in the guest room. It was close to Molly, which was good and farther away from Jake. Some distance would do us good. The boys still weren’t home so I figured they were still with their mates.

I went downstairs and saw Molly playing with her dolls.

Elena: Molly…

Molly: Mommy!

Elena: hey baby girl. You know dada well you have to start calling him uncle j okay?

Molly: Why?

Elena: I’ll tell you when your older okay?

Molly: Okay mommy. Will you play dolls with me?

Elena: Sure baby

We played dolls for an hour and then went to get some lunch down town. We had pizza and vanilla frappes our favorite. When we got back home the boys where back, with their marked mates. I smiled and waved to all and sat down with Molly sleeping in my arms.

After a couple hours I decided to take Molly to the park I couldn’t stand any more mushy gushy crap. Taylor’s mate is Annie, Sam’s mate is Abby and Jake’s mate is Holly. They are all so nice and understanding.

I sat down on the bench and watched as Molly played with other little kids. I laughed as they stuck out their tongues at each other and got worried when they fell. I didn’t notice he was sitting next to me until he spoke.

Man: Don’t say a word or move.

I stayed calm and very still as long as Molly was okay nothing bad can happen.

Elena: what do you want?

Man: I cam here to warm you. A hunter escaped and they are coming for you. They know who you are.

Elena: How can I trust you?

Man: Your just going to have to. If you want to keep yourself and daughter safe flee. Don’t leave her behind or they will attack your pack. We both know you don’t want that.

Elena: When are they coming and why are you telling me this?

Man: They will come in one weeks time. I am telling you because I was sent to watch over you.

Elena: Who sent you? Mark?

Man: Adam.

Adam was still worrying over me. He is the nicest and most caring person I know.

Elena: Thank you so much.

He didn’t say a word and got up and left. I started to get paranoid. Where’s Molly? I searched for her and then relief washed over me as I saw her come down the side.

Elena: MOLLY!!!

She came running over to me and I grabbed her up and spun her around. She giggled as her hair tickled her face and flew threw the air. I brought her back to the car and straight home. I left Molly in the hands of the boys and ran upstairs. I grabbed one medium size suitcase, a big backpack for me and a small one for Molly. I filled Molly’s with clothes and a wallet that would send her back if she got lost. I filled mine with my laptop, changes of clothes, money, and vital essentials to surviving.

I went and placed them all by the door of my room and then went back down stairs. It was getting late so I put Molly in my room to sleep for the night. I said good night to everyone and went to my room. I sat at the desk and wrote my letter to my family. I told them I was leaving and hopefully one day come back if I could and that I would be borrowing a couple of things. I signed and folded it so it was sitting on my desk upright. I carefully crawled into bed as not to wake Molly and drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

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