Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I new I wasn’t going back to sleep so I got up. I was still very sore but I moved anyways. All my things were in a pile on a chair so I got dressed. After I walked over to the window and looked down. It was a little less than a two story drop. I have been through worse. I would just have to break the window and jump. Maybe a pillow or cushion to break my fall. Yeah that would do it. I picked up the chair and weighed it in my hands. It was a good weight. I stepped back and hurled it at the window. It shattered and the chair fell out with it. I grabbed my bag, a pillow and jumped. I hit  the ground on the pillow and then rolled.

It wasn’t to bad. I got up and looked back at the window. Ryan and a number of others were staring at me. I turned and started running. I was almost at the front gates when I was surrounded. About twenty wolves and Ryan standing in front of me.

Ryan: I told you, you aren’t leaving.

Molly: Why you already rejected me why do still want me here.

Ryan: Bring her up to a guest room on the third floor. Trent you take the first watch. Someone must be with her at all times. That’s an order.

Trent reached out his hand offering me to take it. I grabbed his hand and he helped me inside. We were walking up the stairs when I tripped. I waited for the steps to hit my face but all I felt was a warm arm pull me back up. Trent picked me up bridal style and carried me the rest of the way. Ryan was waiting at the room with the rest of my stuff. He growled at Trent and he put me down gently.

Ryan: I’ll take the first watch.

Molly: I prefer Trent instead. I don’t want to be near you so why don’t you go find your mate.

He growled and stormed out of the room.

Trent: I’m sorry about him. He is an idiot. I am sure he will realize his mistake and will apology to you.

Molly: I might not be around for that and besides mates are only for good people.

Trent: I believe you are a good person.

Molly: You don’t know me that well. I am a killer Trent.

Trent: I don’t believe that.

Molly: You should because one day something is going to happen and then you will want me gone. Trust me it happens every time.

Trent: Lets go get some lunch its already noon.

I nodded and followed him downstairs. A bunch of people were all sitting down eating huge piles of food. Trent sat down and I followed. I started to eat some food when the girl next to me spoke.

Anna: Hi I am Anna. I am Ryan’s cousin. I heard what happened and I wanted to tell you that he is an ass.

Molly: (I smiled a real smile) thanks I am Molly.

I went back to eating when I saw her. She was probably about 9 and she had blonde hair and blue eyes. The most adorable little girl ever. She looked just like the girl in NY who was killed… because of me. I instantly felt sick.

Molly: Anna where is the bathroom?

Anna: Down the hall on the left.

I quickly got up and ran. Some people started after me thinking I was trying to escape. Once inside the bathroom I locked the door and then threw up in the toilet. I kept at until there was nothing left in my stomach. I thought I was done but then I threw up a lot of blood. I heard the banging on the door get louder as they could smell the blood.

Anna: It’s me Anna can you let me in. I promise it will be just me.

I thought it over and let her in. After I quickly shut the door and locked it. I went back over to the toilet and sat down. I leaned my head against the wall. Anna came over and sat down. She let me lean my head on her shoulder and held my hand.

Molly: What’s going to happen to me?

Anna: I don’t know but as long as I am here and Trent you will be okay.

Molly: My past is going to catch up to me and I don’t want anyone getting hurt. I have enough blood on my hands.

She didn’t say anything and just gave me a hug. I feel really tired and light headed.

Molly: Do you think you could help me to my room and stay with me?

Anna: Of course we are best friends now and I will always be here to help.

 I smiled and helped me up. I put my arm around her shoulder and she put her arm around my waist. We slowly made it to the door. When we walked out the doctor, Ryan and Trent were waiting for us. I just shook my head and Anna helped me get to my room. I layed down on the bed and curled up in a ball. Anna pulled the covers over me and got in the other side.

Molly: Don’t let me fall asleep.

Anna: Okay.

After a while of talking Anna had to go home. She told me she would get Trent to come watch me. Trent walked not two minutes later bringing some food with him. I picked at not really eating anything afraid it will come back up. I had this feeling Trent was hiding something.

Molly: What’s wrong? And don’t bullshit me.

Trent: Something came in the mail for you from an Xaiver.

Molly: Give it to me.

I my wolf whimpered just afraid for the package. He handed me a sealed envelope. I opened slowly and a found a dvd. Play me was the note on top of it. Trent left and came back moments later with a portable dvd player. I don’t know what will be on the dvd but it can’t be good.

Thanks for reading comment and vote I have already written chapter 8 so if i get votes and comments ill upload it sooner

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