Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

I looked over at Trent and then back to the dvd.

Molly: Could you wait outside? I promise to tell you if anything is wrong. Please do this one thing for me.

He nodded and left closing the door behind him. I slowly put the dvd in and pressed play. The first image was me and my mom at the fair, then another image of us in park and then a picture of me in the hospital bed here. I shivered he was watching me, he was everywhere watching me. Then he spoke. My dear Molly I hope you are the only one watching this because it might be hard to get away if they know about this. I am going to offer you a most generous deal. You have one two weeks to contact me and give yourself up to me. In two weeks I swear not to harm any pack members but after the weeks are up everyone is fair game. After the weeks go by everyone I capture will go through the same thing your mother and you went through. Here is a look if you don’t remember. He showed me chained while my mom was beaten.Then it switched and I saw myself being whipped. My head on its own slowly traced the scars on my back. It was the night she died. I had to re-watch the whole night. The longest night of my life. After I capture you I will make sure you sit through and watch them all. Their blood will be on your hands. Two weeks you know how to contact me. The screen went black.

I closed it and hid it under the bed. I then took a pillow and screamed into it. I cried and sobbed for what felt like hours. Trent didn’t come back in. I felt paranoid that Xaiver was watching me now. Every moment he could be watching me. Finally I had a break down. I punched the bed and the wall. I burned my sheets and hurt myself. I threw the alarm clock and broke glass. At the end I slid down the wall and cried some more. I am pathetic and I will give myself up. My last moments of free life are my mate rejects me and my mother dies. I have no one and but have to protect everyone.

I heard some arguing outside my room and then Ryan burst in. Trent looked apologetic and mouthed sorry to me.

Ryan: What happened!!

Molly: Nothing.

Ryan: Trent tell me what happened I order you!

Trent: I gave her a dvd that came for her. I left her to watch and then this happened.

Ryan: Give me the dvd.

Molly: No.

I didn’t even have the strength to argue. My wolf wanted him to hold us so bad. She wanted him to protect us and stop this chas but that wouldn’t happen. He rejected us. And with that final thought a new wave of tears broke free. He looked through my already trashed room and found it under the bed. He took the dvd and left the room. I chased him down and begged him not to watch. He went downstairs to the living room. All these people were going to see what happened to me. He put the dvd in and I ran to break it. Another pack member grabbed me and held me back. I tried to break loose but his arms were like steel. And then I had to see and hear it all over again. I watched as he whipped and beat my mom. And then as he came over and whipped me too. The blood covering the floor and then the click of the trigger ending my mom’s life. I slowly sank down to my knees and hid my face in my hands. The tears came fast and hard.  I didn’t even realize Ryan was yelling at me. He grabbed me by the tops of my arms and lifted me in the air. He then shook me till I looked at him.

Ryan: Who is that? Why do they want you?

I couldn’t answer and he shook me more. His fingers digging into my skin. I could feel blood trickling down my sleeves.

Molly: You’re hurting me.

He put me down slowly and I ran to hide behind Trent. Ryan let a ferocious growl and came at Trent. Trent moved aside leaving me to Ryan. I looked around and found Anna crying. She saw the video too. I turned and ran up the stairs. But I wasn’t fast enough. Ryan grabbed my ankle and I fell my face hitting the hard steps. I blacked out.

comment vote fan what do u think will happen? I have already written up to chapter 11 so vote and i'll upload!!!!!

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