chapter 4

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Chapter 4

-------------14 years later--------------

Molly’s Pov

I am 17 now. Three years ago my mom died. Her name was Elena and she was the best person in the world. She kept me safe and taught me everything I know. Hunters killed her. She trained me till I was better than her. She was the pure white wolf and they killed her. One day they will pay but for now let them think they are safe.

They still come after me because they know I am her daughter and even more special than her. My wolf is also white but has a red streak down my back and red on the tips of my ears. I can control fire.

They don’t want to kill me though. They want me to experiment on and then kill. I keep running from them. I am strong enough to fight but my mom taught me if you stay to fight you’d probably find yourself outnumbered. Using my power takes a lot of energy out of me so I usually don’t use it. I fight off the ones I can and then make a quick exit. They have gotten smarter though, they are making special weapons just for me. Once I grabbed one of their guns and took it with me to examine the bullets. They were deadly silver to wolves but the inside contained a liquid that would stop me from using fire or changing into my wolf. Scary shit.

But right now I am going back to New York to see my uncles. They all have mates and some even children. My mom used to live with them but took me and ran when the hunters came. I don’t stay long when I visit I don’t want to put them in danger and they don’t know my mom died yet. I am coming to visit and tell them the news. Three years is a long time to be on your own. Thankfully I had the skills to get by. It gets lonely without her though. I wiped a stray tear and looked out the airplane window. I was coming from Arizona so I flew to New York. I always keep moving so they can’t catch up. Plus I can run in wolf form where they have to travel by car or plane. It’s more expensive for them.

I felt the plane touch down on the runway and got up quickly. I grabbed the small duffel and my backpack from the overhead compartment. I was the first one off and caught a cab to the house. Rusty was the first one who engulfed me in a hug. They never know when I am coming back. 

Rusty: Where’s your mom?

I just shook my head and watched as his eyes welled up with tears. I embraced him in a hug rubbed his back soothingly.

Rusty: How?

Molly: Very quick no pain at all.

But that was a complete lie. I barely got away that time having to leave my mom. I watched as they tortured her death and then finally shot her. The only thing she would scream was I love you Molly and get out of here.

I still have nightmares every night because of it. I broke away from Rusty and his mate Grace comforted him. She gave me a look full of sadness and pity. I didn’t wan that. I would only stay for the night. I then heard yelling and watched my uncles shove each other trying to hug me first. They were still kids at heart.

Molly: Hi uncle Jake, Uncle Sam and uncle Taylor

Sam, Jake, and Taylor: Hi!!!

After the hugging broke up they looked around trying to fin my mom. The sniffed the air but didn’t find her scent.

Jake: Molly is she…. is she..

Molly: Yes very quick no pain at all.

The all head tears running down their faces and their mates comforted them. I just watched as they all cried for my mom. They didn’t even question that I was lying to them. I felt guilty but it would have been worse if I told them the truth.

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