chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I kept my eyes closed hoping that I would die if I stayed really still. But it obviously didn’t work. I opened my eyes and no one was in the room. I looked around it looked like the other room only not trashed. I looked at the time and it was 3am. I let out a sigh and new I wouldn’t be sleeping anytime soon.  I slowly got up still feeling dizzy from hitting my head. I went into the bathroom and looked at my head. There was a massive bruise on my forehead. It was all black and blue. I touched it lightly and winced from the pain. Come on I have had way worse and will have way worse. There was no way I was going to let anyone else get hurt. It just wasn’t fair just like life.

I slowly lifted off my shirt so I was left in my sports bra. I looked at my stomach and then at my back. I was covered in scars. There were long ones and short ones. Some still healing and some fading. Fading but never disappearing completely. I traced each one and remembered how each one was inflicted. They used knives, whips, needles and their hands. Along my  forearms there scars of my own doing. Not just cutting myself but from needles from shooting up drugs. Just thinking about the drugs made me want them. They made me feel happy and all my worries went away. I shook my head and looked back in the mirror.

I put my shirt back on disgusted by what I saw and went back to the bed. How could Ryan ever love some disgusting as me. No not love even like would be a stretch. He was better off with the dumb whore. I wiped a few stray tears from my eyes and walked towards the door. Of course someone was sitting in a chair guarding my room. As soon as the door opened they stood up.

Guard: You aren’t allowed to leave

Molly: Please just for a walk?

Guard: No. You can do that when the Alpha gets here.

Molly: Don’t call Ryan! I’ll go back in and you can pretend you didn’t see me.

Guard: I can’t Alpha’s orders and he is almost here anyways.

I sighed and went back in the room. I made sure to slam the door. Then I ran into the bathroom and locked the door. I sat down next to the bathtub and rested my head. It wasn’t long till I heard the knock on the door. I will just ignore him.

Ryan: Molly please come out here. Please before I get mad I just want to talk! Seriously get your ass out here now!!! I’m sorry I rejected you before, I didn’t mean it! I was just scared. Everything was going well and then you popped up from nowhere. Molly I want you please say you feel the same.

Molly: I am not some toy. You can’t decide when you want to play with me and then throw me away. I wanted a good mate so badly!! But then you proved to me just as I thought I will never have a happy ending. I don’t want you to get to attached to me because in the end I’ll end up dead. Whether you like it or not I am going to them and you can’t stop me because you gave up the right when you rejected me.


I heard him stand up and take a step back. I knew what was coming next and covered my face. He kicked the door right off the hinges with one blow. Wood and metal went flying in every direction.

Ryan: Will you please look at me.

I looked up and he was on his knees in front of me. He was looking down at me with pleading eyes. His hands slowly and unsurly reached out to me. When his arms touched mine it was like an explosion went off. The bond had so much tension. But it felt so good, he pulled me into his arms and held me. It was one of the best things in the whole world. I slowly pulled away and went and got into bed. It was about 4am now.  I pulled the covers up to my neck and closed my eyes

Molly: You should go she is probably waiting for you. And this won’t work out we are two different.

I heard him walk over and kneel down on the floor. I slowly opened my eyes and we were face to face.

Ryan: I have realized what I lost and I want it back. There is no other woman it is only and forever will be you. I’ll kill anyone I have to protect you. Now sleep tight.

He placed a kiss on my forehead and walked out. I could still feel the tingles from the kiss. I wanted him so badly to come back and hold me tight. His smell lingered in the room. It was a mix of fresh rain and pine.  I inhaled deeply and snuggled back into the covers. My wolf was howling in joy and tried to take over.

I felt like I had slept for ten minutes when I woke from my nightmare. But in reality it was now 9am. I just laid under the covers for a while before heading into the bathroom to shower.

-------One week--------

 It has been one week since the dvd came. I have been watched over every second of the day, mostly by Ryan. He has brought me flowers, cooked and apologized thousands of times. I am slowly falling for him but I can’t let that hold me back from my future. I can’t find a damn escape route though. Ever since the video the guards have been tripled. He really doesn’t want me to leave. He tries to convince me that his pack can beat them. His pack and Rusty’s are about the same. Although he is boss of tall the packs. But they couldn’t protect everyone. A little girl still died and I see her all the time in my dreams. Her blood is on my hands along with so many others.

I am with Trent right now Ryan is doing some pack stuff. We are walking around outside. It was then I heard the scream for help. I ran towards it Trent hot on my heels. I stopped dead in my tracks as soon as I saw them.

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