Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

(Guinness Beef Stew)

Stuart nervous fingers worried the hem of his shirt as he stood outside the door of his parent's bedroom. For a full week, he'd pouted and sulked around the house after his father had flat out refused to let him leave the club with Reaper the previous week. Reaper had barely held his tongue, as a matter of fact he's stood in the middle of his father's office, surrounded by his siblings like a total badass, and declared that Stuart was an adult, and if he so chose to spend the evening with someone, then that was his right.

Patrick Senior had smiled at his Sergeant at Arms and nodded his head with respect to the man, seconds before he dropped the bomb that decimated Stuart's entire world. The little bit of news that had his brothers smirking at him all week whenever they laid eyes on him.

The motorcycle club's president had smugly informed everyone in the room and Stuart's prospective boyfriend, that he himself didn't have a problem with Stuart developing a relationship with Reaper. He was actually happy to know that Stuart would be in good hands with his SAA. He wouldn't have to worry about some young punk abusing his son's gentle heart.

His father went on to praise Reaper, telling the man in that he was smart enough to know that no matter his status with his businesses and the clubs, it would be a slow painful death for Reaper if anything happened to Stuart. Everyone in the room could see his father had been serious as death itself when he's issued that statement.

Stuart couldn't have helped the shiver of fear tingling over his skin. The Prez also acknowledged the fact that Reaper was a valued member of the club and family in his own right. He was confident in the respect for they held for each other as brothers would just prove to be another added incentive for the big man to do right by Stuart.

Therefore, he trusted the man to with his son. The went on to point out that the problem didn't lie with him. The fire ringed hurdles Reaper would have to jump through without being burned was convincing Stuart's mother of two things. One, that he was good enough for her son, and two, that he was serious about his feelings for Stuart.

If he failed to meet either of those requirements, then life as Reaper knows it will come to an abrupt end. Mrs. McKillian was a force to reckoned with when it came to her boys, especially her baby, Stuart. She's willed his survival when he was born and the doctors had advised her that he's been too weak to thrive much or less live out a meaningful life.

Stuart stomach churned and his eyes had glued to his parent's face as he hoped and prayed that his Da didn't say more than he wanted him to about Stuart's current state of health. That was something he would share when he was good and ready and/or if things looked like they would get serious with Reaper.

His father had looked around the room and studied the big strapping men that were Patty Junior and Aaron. Stuart by now had mutinously crossed his arms across his chest and he was getting ready to shout the unfairness of it all on the top of his lungs, but his father held up a firm hand and Stuart snapped his jaws closed. He silently implored his father with his big green eyes not to say anything else, he was literally holding his breath when his father continued to explain some things to Reaper.

Stuart let the breath he was holding whoosh out of his nostrils when Patty Senior just said because of the circumstances of his birth, and the fight he had to endure as a wee infant in order to live, made the whole family even more protective of Stuart, especially his Ma. No one dared to cross the woman when it came to her sons. Mrs. McKillian was fully aware her three were big boys grew up to be beasts of men, and like their father, able to take handle themselves in any given situation. She had no delusions of who and what her husband and sons were capable of.

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