Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

(Tribute to the late and great Prince...Baby I'm A Star)

His bike rumbled powerfully underneath him as Reaper pulled up to a stop in front of the McKillian mansion. He'd already deduced that his Prez was keeping true to his word about allowing him to see Stuart on his terms. Security at the gates of the well to do neighborhood had let him in without a problem. Not that they've given him any in the past when he came to see the bossman whenever he needed or he was summoned to the Prez's home. Although those instances have been few and far in between, they usually conducted their business in the corporate office or in the club.

Reaper's visit today had nothing to do with the bossman or club business. This visit is very personal, He's fulfilling his promise to a certain stunning little redhead who is destined to belong to him. Cutting the motor, Reaper swung his thick leg over the bike and straightened his leather cut before grabbing the bouquet of orchids he'd picked up for Mama McKillian on the way to the Mckillian's home. As he walked up the steps to the house he faintly heard music spilling out from the inside and wondered if the family was having some kind of get together. There were no cars in the driveway or up and down the street, so maybe the siblings were having some kind of party on their own.

Spying the little illuminated doorbell on the wall, the biker stuck out his beefy finger and pushed it. He couldn't hear the chyme of the bells over the music, but he waited patiently for someone to answer the door. He was about to ring the bell again when the door was ripped open and a stressed out, wild eyed looking Aaron answered. Prince's, 'Baby I'm A Star" blasted out from the interior of the house before Aaron stepped outside on the porch with him and closed the door behind himself.

They both stood there for a minute. Reaper holding a bunch of flowers in a meaty fist and Aaron was standing in front of him with his wide shoulders slumped, with his hands on his hips. His head was bowed in defeat and he let go a mighty sigh before holding his head up and looking Reaper straight in the eye.

"Do you have any younger siblings? Any that are spoilt rotten by your parents and can get away with murder because your mama would peel the skin off your face if you touched one hair in their annoying ass head?" He asked in all seriousness.

Reaper had to bite his lips to keep from laughing at the look of pure disgust on Aaron's face. He could only assume that the musical interlude was Stuart's way of trying to annoy his brothers to death without actually pestering them outright. "Um...No, I was an only child." He responded. He really didn't want to go into the miserable details of his childhood with anyone other than with the bossman who already knew all about his upbringing.

Aaron slapped a heavy hand on the club's SAA shoulder. "Then count yourself blessed man. My sweet as spun sugar little brother has been up to his antics ever since Ma left the house for her evening plans with friends over three hours ago." He continued by slapping a big hand over his heart and mimicked his mother words. "And make sure you and Patty don't bully Stuart while I'm gone. Darren's at the library and will be back later. So that leaves you, Patty, and Stuart until I get home. I don't want a repeat of the other night."

Slapping a hand over his mouth, Reaper had to take a minute not to laugh out loud at the put out expression on the other man's face. Their family dynamics certainly seemed interesting. It was going to be fun to watch it up close and personal. He's never been a part of a family unit before, so this is all new to him. The MC club has been the closest Reaper's ever come to having a family. His brothers in the Skull Master's Motorcycle Club were just that, his brothers, and his leader and club President was like a father figure to all of them.

Patrick Senior punished them when they fucked up and praised and rewarded them when they didn't. Everyone looked out for everyone in the club and those who mattered to the brothers were looked out for as well. It didn't surprise Reaper at all that the McKillian clan was a close knit family, especially after the way the over protective brothers acted when he'd made his intent clear towards his boy the night he's met Stuart.

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