Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

(Hello all,  for those old enough to drink alcohol please enjoy Baby Red's favorite drink recipe, xoxo)

Stuart tried to calm his jittery nerves as he descended the stairs leading to the private playroom of his father's club. He shook his head as his foot stepped off the last step and onto the polished wood floor. He came to an abrupt halt right where he stood. Stuart couldn't fathom how he'd managed to let Aaron goad him into coming back to leather night once again. He could hear the low filtered music piping from unseen speakers from the play area, the beat the song was almost hypnotic.

But that wasn't what caused goosebumps to raise across his skin, or the butterflies to take flight in his tummy. No, it was the unmistakable sound of leather hitting bare skin. It was the cries of pleasure, and the pleading chants of those desperately seeking relief from their Doms. The scent of leather, sin, and sex was a potent mixture, almost like an aphrodisiac calling out to Stuart and his unspoken fantasies like nothing else.

Touching on the subject of his fantasies, Stuart hadn't mentioned to the man currently in the starring role of his erotic nightly dreams about his decision to attend leather night when he'd spoken to Reaper earlier in the evening. He knew it was a high probability he'd run into the man during the course of the evening, but it also gave Stuart the opportunity to test Reaper's waters so to speak. He wanted to make sure Reaper's words were sincere about his feelings towards him. He just hoped and prayed he didn't catch Reaper in a compromising position with any of the hanger around twinks that despite it being a bikers bar, they hung around like the leather groupies they are.

Stuart inhaled a deep fortifying breath and took his first tentative steps towards the playroom's entrance. The sounds of sex and sin got even louder the closer he got. He stepped through the entranceway and let his eyes scan the room, trying to spot Aaron's bright mop red hair amongst the multitude of men gathered in the approximate area. Stuart tried his best to ignore the sight of naked men trussed up in all sorts of imaginable positions as they were handled by even bigger men doing a bevy of things he'd only witnessed online when he was brave enough to research BDSM and gay porn sites late at night while his family was either out of the house or sleeping.

He knew this portion of the playroom were for men only, there was another entrance on the other side of the club that led to the area where men and women practiced the same lifestyle scenes. But he thanked his lucky stars that this was his brother's domain, although Aaron tend to swing both ways. His brother's dick was an equal opportunity player, it didn't discriminate, but Aaron tended to get even more of a thrill out of a scene if it was a man who offered to submit to him.

Sticking close to the shadows casted from the dim lights around the room, Stuart made a slow circuit around the active participants until he spotted his brother and his source of entertainment in the corner close to the stage area. Aaron had a cute little, brunette twink pinned against the mirrored wall. He had the guy's arms pinned over his head with one hand and the other was buried deep in front of the man's low slung jeans. From the expression on Aaron's companions face, his brother was working the guy into a mindless frenzy via his dick while leaning over to whisper whatever he was saying in the sub's ear.

His steps faltered and he hesitated going any closer. Stuart didn't want to interrupt his brother's playtime, so he drew his gaze away from the enticing little scene and focused on the other people in the room. He had to squeeze his thighs together trying to control his own overexcited erection when he spotted a group of men getting their cock's serviced by an eager submissive in the middle of the room. The smaller man was wearing nothing but a harness across his hairless chest as he kneeled on bunch of pillows. He had at least four hard, thick cocks in his face and his practiced mouth bounced from one to the other in obvious delight.

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