Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

(Reaper's Daggers)

Stuart slowly inched towards the door with his heart pounding away in his chest. He couldn't believe a human being was capable of making the noises that were coming from that room. From listening to this father's words, it seemed that the unfortunate soul being tortured in that room because he'd stolen from the brotherhood. He heard another grunt followed by a spine tingling scream and then Stuart heard his father's booming voice as it echoed for Reaper to stop whatever it was he was doing to the man.

Stuart's feet came to a dead stop in front of the door when he heard a chair scrape across the concrete floor, followed by heavy footsteps stomping across the concrete towards the middle of the room. With his curiosity surely peaked he silently leaned forward and stuck his head through the gap in the door to see what was going on. The youngest McKillion nearly recoiled in horror at the sight that greeted him. A barely upright shirtless man was chained to the ceiling with his arms above his head. The chains were attached to some industrial size metal hoops bolted into the beams above his head.

The thief's torso was covered in blood, cuts, and bruises. His mouth looked like a couple of his teeth were knocked out. His father was standing in front of the man. Patty and Aaron stood behind his father off to the side, and they looked just as calm, but fiercely intimidating as their parent did. But it was Reaper that drew all of his attention. The man was dressed in his leathers, a leather vest, and leather gloves. He looked exactly as he's been named, a true harbinger of misery and death. He held two wicked looking curved daggers in each hand. His massive arms and his chest was covered in blood and his long black hair flowed freely down his wide back.

It was the look on the SAA face that sent chills running up and down Stuart's spine. Reapers eyes, those deep black orbs that had drawn him in so passionately, that had gazed at him so gently were completely blank. They were like a vortex that'll suck you into nothingness. Stuart studied the man that had aroused such fire in him, and he found that he wasn't scared of what he was witnessing. This was the man behind the mask and if he was going to accept Reaper's advances, and learn how to please the man, then he was going to accept the man for who is, all of him. He was his father's business associate, his right hand, and in this business sometimes that hand had to get dirty.

Still Stuart jumped when his father barked a question at the drooping, bleeding traitor about the whereabouts of his money. The man's garbled response didn't seem to please his father, because the men in the room smirked wickedly as his father wiped the back of his soiled hand on a pristine white handkerchief he'd pulled from his pocket. No doubt that piece of material wasn't going to make it home to Ma's laundry bin.

"So be it then, Reaper continue." His father's words clearly rang out around the barren room.

Stuart couldn't have moved from the spot where he was positioned even if someone had told him the building was on fire. He heard the lethal promise of Reapers daggers scraping against each other as the man crossed his massive arms and slowly walked around the trembling victim in front of him. A gasp ripped from Stuart's mouth when Reaper's arm slashed out as quick as a viper's strike, and slashed a gaping wound across the man left shoulder. Blood splurted across the floor and almost landed on Patrick's boot. Nobody in the room other than the dangling, moaning man even flinched.

Reaper slowly stalked around the suspended man until he came to stop directly in front of him. There was no emotion whatsoever showing on his handsome face as he slashed his daggers together once again to make that ominous metal on metal scraping sound. The tortured man's body jerked at the sound and he began sobbing and blabbering at the same time. His words were a garbled mess trying to come out of his damaged mouth.

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