In the dark

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"Missi Darlin please"

There are many voices calling my name.

I've been hiding behind this rock for more hours than I can count.


She just had to do that didn't she I mean I heard the laughter last night didn't I, The not so subtle flirting, it was to be expected.

Suddenly I heard voices,Behind my Rock Neil.(Yes I named the rock Neil)

"This is all your fault Nicci" I recognised the voice to be Kay's.

"How? How is this my fault?" That was Nicci.

"Well for starters why we're you kissing that blonde bimbo for anyway,seriously Nicci you met the girl yesterday and basically the first thing you do with her is kiss her! WHO DOES THAT?" Kay says becoming irate.

"Look it's not my fault...She kissed me !"Nicci exclaimed.

"Oh really, well what about last night, I said I wouldn't tell Missi because it would hurt her but now you've just blown it,The Next chance I get I'm telling her everything. I've made excuses for you Cheshire, and what do you do you throw it all back in my face!" And here, ladies and gentleman, we have sassy Kaila.

"What do you mean, "hurt her"?" Nicci asks oblivious to the obvious answer.

"Uhh,What does it matter, you should go if not because you are getting on my nerves, but for Miss, I expect your the last person she wants to see right now." Says Kay ushering him away.

"Fine, but at least tell her I want to speak to her." And I hear his footsteps fade into the distance.

"I know your there." Calls out Kay.

"Hey." I say my voice weak from crying.

"Are you ok baby, Nicci's a dick." She says wrapping her arms round me.

"Yeah,I was just....surprised." I answer truthfully.

"Yeah,He doesn't know what he's missing out on." She comforts me.

"Why would he care he has Miss Flicky,'Oh look at me, let's play how long before I take your man right in front of your face', I really don't like her." I say curling up in her arms.

"He does care about you Miss, Even a complete stranger can tell that, he just ....just doesn't know how much, He's as clueless as a Kardashian without a camera crew." I laugh at what she says then shiver, considering its sweltering here during the day, it's freezing at night.

"C'mon baby let's get you back, you're freezing, I s'pect you heard that complete eejit wants to talk to you." she says rolling her eyes.

And then we walk back to the house in a comfortable fashion, singing softly to each other as the night gets darker.


As I get in I'm suddenly pulled into a hug given by Mason,Lianna and Toby. I find Brody,Flicky and Nicci not in the room.

I tell the guys I'm tired and I'll explain in the morning, and head up to Nicci's room.

I open the door to Find Both Nicci and Bimbo half dressed in his bed.


"Night Nicci." I feel the tears welling up in my eyes.

I walk into my room lock my Balcony door,My actual door and the door to Narnia, Climb into bed and cry myself to sleep.


" Missi, baby are you awake?" I hear a soft knock and Kaila outside my room.

"Yeah, give me a minute" My voice hoarse from crying...again.

I just feel so stupid, Who am I crying over? A stupid boy.

I open the door to let Kaila in and give her a small smile.

"C'mon, baby, I know you like him but no guy is worth your tears, unless it's your dad and he's like dead or something..."

"KAY?!"  I ask wondering what the hell goes on in that mind of hers.

"Sorry, I'll just stop talking."

"Haha, ok uhh I'm really tired.Ok well today baby we are doing an experiment apparently Miss Phipps told us to bring a loud object and a scarf or something, and to meet her just up the beach." She smiles at me and tells me to go get ready and off I went leaving Kay by herself in my room.

20 minutes later.



"Oh sorry, Wait... Hey Missi... Oh my God look darlin I'm sorry if I offended you in any way, I just I.... can I talk to you Later?" He face remorseful.

"Um..I suppose, come by my room later ." I say with no emotion.

"Why not outside?" He asks.

"No, My room later, please." I really didn't want to talk to him with Miss Flicky no more than 2 metres away.

"Oh,um ok, sure" He gave me a small smile before turning into his room and closing the door.

I walk along the hall and walk back into my room.

It was gonna be a long day.


My God this is really short,uh sometimes I feel like I'm just talking to myself...

song recommended-shrek 3- best days 


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