The day after

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A/N this would have been sooner except this and the next chapter had gotten deleted.grrr.




"AHHH" *oof*




"Oh,sorry you scared me."

I had just woken up to Danny sleeping next to me-why was that?

Then last night flooded back to me: that dude,the argument between Mason and Nicci,and talking with Danny when I got back,everything.

Now I know what you're thinking and no we did not do THAT. We just sat and talked,I told him about what had happened and he was really sweet,I'm guessing we must have fallen asleep.

"Oh,well morning sleep well?"


There was a crash downstairs interrupting me.

"I think everyone got back alright last night then" I thought aloud.

"Yeah,I guess we should be getting down there then.Um,I'll see you in a minute then?" Danny asked making his way towards my door.

"Yeah,see you in a minute."


"Oh,The lovebirds have arrived." Kaila looked surprisingly awake for this time time of the morning.

"Lovebirds my ass" Nicci muttered sat in the corner reading 'motorbikes-a history.' WOW how interesting- note the sarcasm.

Me and Danny had just come down the stairs,in silence and walked towards the kitchen where the other temporary residents were located.

"Heya,morning guys,by the way we got our first task card this morning,it says:

Morning pupils,Today you will be required to bring buckets and spade to the beach for today's activity.

ooooo,sounds cool." God lianna sometimes , though small things please simple minds I suppose.

We sat in awkward silence until I said , "Well,what are we waiting for let's get going,c'mon."


"Morning everybody I hope we all had a nice evening. Now over the next few weeks we will be doing tasks to do with our school subjects,today we will be doing an art/technology task. I asked you all to bring buckets and spades because we will be making-in your house groups- SANDCASTLES! Sounds fun right? Ok I will be judging in which team I believed had worked the hardest and together the best and Also on how it looks at the end.The winning team will be spending tomorrow in the American version of shopping centre what the call a  'mall' "

She paused for a second as murmurs were coming from all around, "ok,so,if we are all ready off you go I will blow my whistle when it's time for you to stop."

We all looked at each other before our group went up the beach a bit.

"Ok,so why don't Me,lianna and Toby go find some shells,Danny,You and Mason start moulding the castle,aaaaand Missi,You go with Nicci to fetch so water ok,see you all in five."

So there we go,Kay had planned it all out. I started to make my way towards the ocean when Nicci caught up with me halfway.

"So,have fun last night. You know, I'm not crazy on the idea of you spending time with them Miss, don't know what might happen." Where did that come from.

"God,Nicci what is up with you lately,If speak to Danny or Mason you turn to an utter prick, I got news for you Nicci you can't tell me what to do. Anyway why do you even care?"  He looked at me in disbelief.

He opened his mouth to say something but I didn't want to hear it so I ran the rest of the way to get some water and walked back to others as fast as I could without spilling anything.

"Wow,Guys this looks awesome. You're like masterpiece makers."

Danny and Mason had been Sculpting the castle and in all honesty it looked amazing. When I got back Kay,li and tobes were coming towards us, their buckets full of shells.

We started to decorate the castle making patterns here and there, I didn't even notice when Nicci had come back,though I really couldn't care less. Who did he think he was telling me what to do,though I suppose I do regret saying that to him,I'll go apologise to him.

"Hey Nicci,Look I'm sorry about what I said,can you forgive me?" I gave him puppy dog eyes- how could he resist?

He looked up at me and grinned. BINGO!

"Course I forgive you darlin.I'm sorry too I acted like a right twat can you forgive me?" He did look really sorry.

"Ok,but on one condition." He looked confused.

"I get some of your secret sweeties. Deal?"

"Deal,But not the-"

"Fried eggs, yeah I know, Nicci how many times have you told me this, Actually how long gave I known you to know this.Well?"

" twelve years and counting darlin."

"Yes we are sweetie,yes we are"

He opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by three short whistle blasts.

I suppose we could talk later.

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