The holiday

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A few months later

"Right class, I need all confirmations on who is going on the trip to Florida by lunchtime today, remember the coach to the airport leaves at half eight on Friday if you aren't in school by eight we will not be waiting for you." That was about the millionth time she had mentioned it in the last 10 minutes. 


finally the bell,why did miss Phipps' lessons last millenniums

I went up to the office to put in my final payment, yes-I WAS GOING TO FLORIDA!oh and SO WAS NICCI!

"Hey there stranger,where have you been hiding" I turned around to see Danny -yes I was within his presence , right play it cool 

"Oh ya know..Narnia , stopped off for a few days hung around with Aslan, yeah it's been cool.What about you ?." I said with a chuckle 

"Oh Hogwarts, that place is my home, yeah,I've been around a bit last year district 13,but I'm hoping for a holiday in Olympus next year"  

"ahhh" I fake a gasp and whisper "Are you a.........fanficer!" 

"shhh don't tell anybody, I'm still in the closet" omg his smile would've made you melt,but I had to keep it together if not for my health then for my dignity.

As I was about to leave the office he handed over a familiar looking form and envelope. 

"Are you going on the trip?" I ask him, quite surprised  

"yeah me and my brother are both going,it's sounds fun,and it looks as though I might get to spend some time with you"he winks at the end. 

"Well I best get going bye" and he leaves me standing there like a right lemon.

He said what I think he said right? I don't think I imagined that.....did I? 

Did Danny eamond just say that he wanted to spend time with me....Me ,plain,old Missi Elliot ... omg get over yourself miss he would never say that...would he ?



"RIGHT CLASS YOOHOO,alright everybody listening good you have half an hour before we have to board the plane,you can look around the shops but, I want you back here by ten to got it ? ok ,have fun." That's the thing I like about miss Phipps even in the most serious of situations she wants us to make the most of our secondary school years.

I was sat in Starbucks with kaila and lianna gossiping about why THIS is the ,basically ONLY reason we took geography, is because we get to go on awesome trips. "where did miss say we were staying?" kaila asked confused. 

"Well in form miss said that there were various houses along the beach and we are being put into house groups three boys, three girls all for the exception of one house which has one more boy in." I said in a matter of fact tone. 

*Bing,bong,Bing*"All passengers of flight 22 to Florida,Palm beach please make your way towards the boarding area thank you"

Well this is it,I honestly can't wait ....eeeeeep!!!

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