The results (part two)

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"So,Missi,darling Truth or Dare?"

God whatever I pick it will be bad.

"Um,uh dare then."

wait,nooo craps truth truth goddamit TRUTH. WHY WOULD YOU SAY DARE MISSI,WHY,WHY,WHY,WHY,WHY,WH-

"Ok I dare you to snog Nicci for 30 seconds".....







I started to make my way towards nicci.

He stood up.

I was there,in front of him.

It was now or never.

I gave him a shy smile.

He smiled back.

I reached up and....

My lips touched his.

His warm lips on mine were eager,I could feel him smiling. His hands knotted in my hair as mine did his. He started working his hands from my hair,down my back,past my waist and hips,resting his hands at the top of my ass.

We were making out he was getting more and more into it-as was I.

The world around us had turned into a blur, I was focused on one thing-him.The guys had stopped counting and there was chorus of 'oooooh' s.

I was in bliss....until he pulled away.

He was smiling,he gave me a soft peck before, sitting down.

I made my way back to my seat,li and Kay were grinning like Cheshire cats and I was blushing like mad.We were all sat in silence for about a minute or two, that was until Nicci broke the silence by saying he was off to bed. YEAH,OFF.TO.BED. I couldn't believe it he basically songs me in the middle of the room almost reaching second base, and he goes to bed.

Cyvxgcdfguibyxdfgg oh I don't even know....


"Yes Kay,bed,I'm tired, night guys" he turned back and mouthed 'night darlin' before he spun on his heel and left us.

Well if he was going to bed then so was I.

"Actually,guys I'll head of too.Night" I said without turning back....

w..w..w..wait did Danny just hand mason a fiver,Do I even want to know? Uhh whatever.


About 10 minutes later I heard the last light go out.

Yeah I was still up,and couldn't sleep so I decided to talk to someone and since everyone was asleep or at least in bed I guessed myself was the best option....don't worry it's not the first time I've spoken to myself,I do it a lot.

Now I had time to think, and guess what about oh yes...that...yes that kiss. What did it even mean?Why was he so happy?Would we still be cool as friends?Why the hell was I over thinking this?

Who was I kidding of course it meant nothing,Nicci does this sort of thing all the time. But why did he have to go straight after that? OH GOD I PUT HIM OFF,I MADE HIM FEEL ILL, I AM A REPULSIVE,SICK,DISGUSTING,HORRIBLE,UGLY, EXCUSE OF A HUMAN BEING OH GOD,OH GOD,OH GO-

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