Chapter 5

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Dish after dish followed and it was like it was all a painted dream. The chef looked expectantly at me, Liam and I tasted the appetisers and then summed up what we thought. I couldn't say anything. Each time, Liam picked up the slack for me and said whether he liked it or not. The food tasted the same, all pieces of cardboard, all stuck in my throat. They were all omens of what would be at the wedding.

After awhile, the twin- Daniel- cleared his throat, obviously sparing me from more food and said,

"I think that's enough work for you here! I know you have your duties, Miss Danielle, so why don't you go along, and Liam can help me with the rest?" I shot him a look of thanks and left as quietly as I had joined the throng of men. Liam gave me a wave goodbye, but I didn't reciprocate the farewell. With Raxis's constant interference, we would be thrown together again soon anyway.

Wandering the halls with my list in hand, I wondered what I would do next. In my frame of mind, I wished to do none, but as Raxis as my master- that was not an option. So, I drifted to the Warden's office where I would inform him of the new interrogation protocol. Raxis had talked about the new procedures he was putting in place for the last week; it was easy to recall the details and tell the Warden.

The Warden- a large and cruel man- chuckled darkly at the new rules. He was a man of crime and punishment, and more often punishment. What his name was, I did not know. It wouldn't surprise me if he didn't have one. He was often so inhumane and like his master, that it wouldn't be a great wonder that he was bred by Raxis himself.

After the visit to the Warden, I found that the next objective on my list was to announce to the Competitor's the upcoming Stage. As I walked to the 'Doom Room' I remembered how I had felt. Scared. Shocked. Angry. This and more would be how the Competitors of this mix would be feeling. That made me pity them for how they had to endure the Games. But, twenty would be chosen and these were the unlucky.

And then I was standing in front of them, staring around the people impassively. So many of these people and nearly all die. That was the way of things however.

"The next Stage will be testing your capabilities to your limits," I announced solemnly. "You will have to always be on your feet, always be running and hiding and fighting to survive." As I spoke, I surveyed the new crop of people. The old lady, sunken into her seat; was she to survive? Or would her crippled body betray her and give her as prey to the monsters? The young girl with the bright eyes and silky brown hair. Would she understand that the people crying weren't pretending? That the monsters weren't imagination or fake? Would she understand the macabre play of the Game before the flesh was stripped from her bones?

"The Monster Mania is your first Stage." Though sounding like a childrens' theme park, it was anything but. In a dark landscape where night was eternal, monsters roamed the forests, hunting for the first four victims. There were one hundred searching for the flesh and blood which brought them so much joy. This Stage was a task of hide and seek. How fast could you run? How well could you hide?

"You will be set in a place where many monsters will stalk you. You must hide or you will die. The only dangers of the game is the monsters and the traps they may endeavour to construct. After the first four die, the game will be over, and you will have survived the first Stage."

Murmurs sounded around the room and I heard the whispers of fear. At the word 'monster' I found the peoples' faces tightened and their jaws clenched, struggling to remain emotionless. Then at the the word 'blood', they would swallow and the tattoo of the beating drum- Fear- would begin its terrible music. Then at the word 'die', the fear consumed them. In the end, I saw suddenly- they let it ravage them.

Games of a Different Kind-{sequel to Toys of a Dangerous Mind}Where stories live. Discover now